Mercury in Leo Trine Uranus Retrograde in Aries – Words With Legs

At this point in this 2013 Leo Sun cycle, we know that Mercury in Leo may give you a bit of a big mouth, driven by the desire you may have to be acknowledged for your thoughts, ideas, and words.  Now, with Mercury being in trine aspect with Uranus Retrograde in Aries this evening at 7:10p PDT,…

Mercury in Leo Trine Uranus Retrograde in Aries – Words With Legs

At this point in this 2013 Leo Sun cycle, we know that Mercury in Leo may give you a bit of a big mouth, driven by the desire you may have to be acknowledged for your thoughts, ideas, and words.  Now, with Mercury being in trine aspect with Uranus Retrograde in Aries this evening at 7:10p PDT, your mouth could unintentionally get even bigger as Uranus encourages you to make those thoughts, ideas, and communications known to the greater whole of your community or possibly even to the world.

Due to the retrograde motion of Uranus, the communications that you have now will probably intend to be small or private, or at least low-key; not intended to be some grand announcement or big deal.  Yet Uranus has a reputation for assisting in mass communications.  It’s about getting information out to as many people as possible, using technology and networking to do so.  In Aries, the information you have to share with others on a larger scale is probably about you and how you are distinguishing yourself from the larger whole, revealing your uniqueness and individuality for all to see.  And despite the retrograde modesty, it is likely that what you have to say to one or a few will get around to many quickly, especially with Mercury in Leo in the mix.  Gossip thrives under conditions like these and with Mercury in Leo and Uranus Retrograde in Aries playing nicely in the sandbox right now, words are sure to fly.

Recognize that though this trine could be of great benefit to you, many of the people who will be spreading the word (or spreading your business) are also under the influence of Uranus Retrograde in Aries and Mercury in Leo.  The Mercury in Leo influence is especially strong as this behavior will reveal their desire for attention and acknowledgment for “being in the know”.  It will also help you notice who you want to have in your evolving communities.  Are their words helpful or hurtful to your progress?  Now is a perfect time to consider the individuals in your circles and how they affect your life’s journey.

There have been many points this year in which you have been and continue to be encouraged to get in touch with your inner Truth and Light, and to find the communities, groups, and social circles that support and encourage your fullest self-expression and the fulfillment of your Divine purpose.  This Mercury-Uranus Retrograde trine is another one of those moments, and it encourages you to start speaking up and out to let others know who you are becoming, what you know, what you are thinking about, and where you’re intending to go.  Just know that your “low-key” words have great potential to grow legs and run today.  I’d encourage you to go along for the run, and see how the legs help you progress on your path.

The effects of this Mercury in Leo – Uranus Retrograde in Aries trine should be felt throughout the day and well into tomorrow afternoon.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Gemini – Choosing Your Own Communications Adventure

As mentioned earlier in the month of Gemini, Mercury is very much at home in its own sign of Gemini.  Information comes and goes quickly and effortlessly, making communicating a breeze.

Jupiter is known for its growth and expansion characteristics.  It can also make whatever it touches larger than life, therefore, it can take the information and communications of Gemini and expand them or elaborate on them.

Jupiter is also known for bringing a jolly and optimistic quality to any matter.  So, with Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Gemini @12:56a PDT, Jupiter thinks that information is good, right?  Information is meant to be shared – why not share it in a big way and with as many people as possible?  And while we’re at it, why not dress it up a bit?

The challenge with this conjunction is that not everything is meant to be shared.  When Mercury, the ruler of Gemini conjuncts Jupiter in Gemini, you can only imagine how quickly word can spread about just about anything and everything.

And in sharing, some of what is shared spreads faster than you may intend it to.  In fact, the information may move faster than you realize, causing you to possibly miss out on an opportunity to get some control over what is being said and who it’s being said to.  On top of that, you may find that what is being said isn’t false, but there may be some elaboration of the truth.  Rather than omissions from the story, there may be additions instead.

Yet, one thing to keep in mind is that Jupiter is at home in the sign opposite Gemini, Sagittarius.  It is not only about making things bigger and more optimistic – it is also about gaining wisdom from experience.  That said, when Jupiter in Gemini is conjuncted by Mercury, it’s not just about the ideas and/or words.  It’s learning from the experience of what fast-moving information and/or quick-flying gossip can do.  There’s wisdom to be gained from the communication experiences that you have during this time.  It can be quite an adventure if you choose to see it that way.

Unfortunately, we often learn when things go badly.  So for most of you, there would need to be the experience of having information you didn’t want out being spread all over, or someone making a much bigger deal about something involving you than was actually the case.  This could be a major lesson in what to share with others, learning that what you say may not remain in close circles.  You may learn to be more aware of what you share and who you share it with.

However, some of you may have a positive experience with this Mercury-Jupiter conjunction.  In this case, you may learn how to get a positive message or helpful information to others in a fun and easy way.  You may also notice that since jolly Jupiter is bigger in size than nimble Mercury, it doesn’t move as quickly.  Much like information, good news rarely travels as quickly as bad news.  With Gemini being an air sign possessing the qualities of natural objectivity and emotional detachment, it could be a great time to take the time to have patient yet remarkably thorough conversations that help clear up any confusion that may exist in any matters at hand.  This conjunction can bring positive communicative energy to interactions of all kinds.

The effects of this Mercury-Jupiter conjunction in Gemini will last for another day or two, so make the most of this energy that allows you to choose your own communications adventure.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings.


Mercury enters Gemini – Your Truth: Fact or Fiction?

Mercury entered Gemini yesterday at 1:41p PDT.  Mercury represents our ideas, thoughts, and words – how we think and communicate with others.  In Gemini, Mercury is especially active as it is the planet that rules the sign.

There will be quite a bit of communication over the next couple of weeks, and it’s likely to flow freely.  With so much information coming in and so many ideas and words being exchanged, it may be a challenge to keep up with it all.   you may find that you need to take a quick moment to assess if what you’re getting is actually fact or fiction.

However, talking with others  may be as detrimental as it is helpful this time around through Mercury in GeminiMercury in Gemini tends to bring a big wave of speculation, hearsay, and gossip along with it.  It seems everyone’s got ideas about what is happening right now, everyone is talking about those ideas, and not all of those ideas are based in factual truth.

The good news is that in the midst of so much information swirling about, Mercury in Gemini is a great opportunity for you to sort through it all and choose what your truth is.

There are four steps to this filtering process.

  • First, with such a excess of communication occurring around you, are you going to the sources or the subjects of the matters you are hearing about?  If so, have you heard both sides of the story or done any research to better discern the truth for yourself, or (be honest – this may not be an easy question to admit to) are you simply aligning with the side that you believe serves your best interests?
  • Next, what actually rings true to you in all that you are hearing?  Do the explanations, justifications, or excuses others give you for their behavior ring true, or do they seem duplicitous/two-faced?
  • With the Sun still in Taurus for another 5 days, the truths you choose early on in this Mercury in Gemini cycle help re-enforce the foundation you’ve been building for your lives (or areas of your lives) these last few weeks.  Which “truths” are you choosing to build your foundation upon?  Do you believe that the foundation of truth you choose to build upon is solid?
  • Finally, how are you sharing your chosen truths and/or ideas with others?  Do you really believe what you are saying when you say it?  What explanations, justifications, or excuses are you using to back up your own actions?  And most important, do you understand what you are setting in motion with your thoughts and words?

Your answers to any or all of these questions through this process can give you valuable insights into yourself.  Yes, you.

Often, we believe that information that comes to us (especially hearsay or gossip) is about other people.  But once we share it or perpetuate it ourselves, it becomes about us.  More important, it becomes about who we are becoming as we absorb all of this information and choose what we do or don’t believe.

So, who are you becoming as you absorb all of this information and choose what you believe or not?  Who do you reveal yourself to be as you build your foundation of truth upon the information you gather during this 2013 Mercury in Gemini phase?  Is your personal truth based on fact or fiction?

Mercury is in Gemini until May 31st, conjuncting with Jupiter in the sign of Gemini on May 27th (which could prove to be a very big communication day).  Use your thoughts, words, and ideas to see yourself clearly through and after these next two weeks of Mercury in Gemini.

Thank you for reading and sharing!  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,
