The 2015 Sagittarius Full Moon “After-Party” – A Double Lunar Grand Trine and the Other Retrograde (Ceres)

So the big celebrity event of the astrological day yesterday, 2nd June 2015, was the Sagittarius Full Moon that was at its fullest phase at 9:19a PDT. In my previous post, I noted that the Sagittarius Moon was also a player in two lunar mutable t-square configurations leading up to the Moon’s maximum full phase – one at 3:28a PDT, and the other at 7:24a PDT. I mentioned that there were quite a few truths factual and emotional that would come to Light and need to be addressed during the course of the day & for a couple of days before and after.

What I didn’t mention in the Full Moon post is that the T-squares and the Full Moon were not the only big events of the day. There was a LOT of transit activity yesterday. I chose to focus on what I thought would be most significant when discussing the Full Moon, yet there was so much more.

Later, as the Sagittarius Full Moon made its second (post-maximum) appearance in the night sky last night, there were a few more astrological events of note.

The “after-party”, hosted by the Sagittarius Moon, began at 8:55p PDT with the first phase of a fire element lunar grand trine involving the Sagittarius Moon, Uranus in Aries, and Jupiter in Leo at its most exact (16-19°). Through this configuration, a deep desire for your most authentic emotions to be known and acknowledged comes to Light. The realization that actions will speak louder than words in this endeavor also makes itself known.

This lunar grand trine has a bonus. It also involved the Sagittarius Moon and Uranus in Aries, only at 11:43p PDT, it was at its most exact including Juno in Leo instead of Jupiter (19-20°). Jupiter and Juno are NOT within 3° conjunction orb of each other, making this a double grand trine. With Juno at the third point, this configuration solidified a commitment to having your emotional truth be known and acknowledged. It became very clear that like the earlier T-squares which favored the Sagittarius Moon, this double grand trine would be supportive of any turns toward authenticity and truth as well.

If anything emerges through this double fire grand trine, it is the realization that committing to your authentic self-expression so you can be known and acknowledged as your true self means that you may have to put yourself out into the world in ways you have been hesitant to make yourself known before. Actions will indeed speak louder than words, and you have to be willing to have your actions seen and your deeds known if you are going to have others know your truth.

Meanwhile, in the midst of this double grand trine, another retrograde began.

Ceres – the ruler of Taurus and the planet representing our personal lifestyle values – began moving in retrograde motion in the sign of Aquarius at 9:21p PDT. Ceres in Aquarius brings the values of the collective whole to the surface. Whether your focus is your community, your workplace, your social circles, your society, or humanity as a whole – this is a time for you to recognize how the values of others affect your own personal values and your personal self-worth.

Since retrogrades bring the effects of the planet’s energy “outside-in”, you may find that during Ceres Retrograde in Aquarius, you may feel the pressure of your community and society if not humanity at large doing their best to project their lifestyle values onto you. You have a choice to make when these projections occur:

  • You can be offended and lash out in efforts to defend and protect your own value system, refusing to give in to external pressures to change what you have always known to be true.
  • You can take a step back, be introspective and contemplative, and see if you can find a willingness within you to adjust your personal lifestyle values to acknowledge, accept, and/or adopt any part of others’ values and beliefs into your own value system.

The big challenge here is for you to choose whether or not you automatically react to the projections or if you take a moment to pause and objectively assess these projections.

  • Can you allow yourself to consider the views, values, and beliefs of others?
  • Can you allow yourself to see the matter from others’ point of view? And when you do, can you find an area of compromise so that everyone involved can find peace around the matter…
  • …or are you clearer than ever that your way is the best way for everyone?

The fascinating thing about this Ceres Retrograde is that it is still part of the Nodal Kite that was most exact in the last days of May. That configuration of North Node in Libra, Mercury Retrograde in Gemini, Ceres (now retrograde) in Aquarius, and South Node in Aries is still within 3° orb (7-9°). This indicates that the social and/or societal logic that has been applied before now needs some reassessing.

  • Are we really making choices that are in our collective best interests?
  • Are we individually making choices in which allow us to be fully self-expressed to the benefit and/or peace of the greater whole?
  • Are we fighting for what is best for all of us, or are we fighting for what is best for ourselves…and can what is best for others and ourselves ever be one in the same?

And though it is technically on 3rde June, the Sagittarius Moon made one last configuration transit before it moves on into Capricorn by the end of the day – another T-square, only this time it includes Black Moon Lilith in Virgo opposite Chiron in Pisces with the Sag Moon at the point most exact at 2:00a PDT (20-21°). This is an indication of the emotional truths that have been emerging challenging long-suppressed emotional desires and long-denied emotional wounds to be acknowledged and overcome if not healed. This is a very brief yet very powerful transit which potentially opens up emotional dialogue long overdue. Notice that the missing leg is Gemini – there is little to no game play here. If anything, the Pisces energy may try to maintain denial or avoidance of the truths being presented in an effort to keep things positive or optimistic. However, there’s a good chance the practical and critical Virgo Lilith won’t stand for it.

It will be interesting to see how these energies continue to play out in the afterglow of the Sagittarius Full Moon. One thing is for certain – the last 36 hours have been one heck of a party.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,

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