Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces – Too Good or Too Unclear to Be True?

Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces was exact at 2:46p PDT yesterday, October 1st.  There is an element of this Mercury-Neptune trine that is a little too good to be true.  On the other, a little fantasy may be just what is needed to encourage dreams to be moved into reality.


Mercury in Scorpio is about extremes in thoughts, ideas, and communications.  Things happen quickly and decisively – there is no in-between.  It’s all-or-nothing thinking and speaking, and it wants to make a powerful difference in the lives of everyone involved with its words.

Neptune is in its sign of rulership in Pisces.  It is very comfortable being in the energy of imagination and artistry.  This is where inspiration happens, where intuition reigns.  It is also where our ideals can get the better of us, and though they may inspire us, they may also deceive us into believing that reality doesn’t exist.

With the components of this trine duly noted, when you’re tempted to think or speak in extremes while you are dreaming about your Utopian ideals, be aware that your thoughts and words could lead you to make some very important decisions that cannot be taken back.  But that isn’t the biggest caution of this Mercury-Neptune trine.

I’d say that the biggest caution of this Mercury-Neptune trine comes in that Neptune is in retrograde motion, meaning its energy is being focused within.  That indicates that the visionary ideals that you are eager to present are probably your own and may be yours alone.  They may be born of your own emotional and spiritual beliefs or truths, yet you may still need to do some soul-searching to clarify them for yourself before you communicate them to others.

This is not to say that your vision isn’t valid or possible.  It is to say that you need to make sure you know what you are saying that you are aware of its possible effects on others, and that you can stand by it all completely before you share it with others. Otherwise, in true Scorpio fashion, your lack of clarity and your failure to consider the bigger picture of humanity and All-That-Is may destroy any possibility of what you want coming into the reality of your experience.

Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces can also be a classic case of putting icing and sprinkles on a pile of poop and trying to convince yourself and others that it’s a cupcake.  The circumstances that you are in could be awful, and what is being communicated to you about them could be awful as well.  Yet for some reason, the plethora of red flags being put up through the words being communicated to you are somehow not getting through to you.  This may be because you’ve made up your mind on an emotional-intellectual level and you’re standing firm in your position,  ignoring the truth in favor of the hope that your “rose-colored glasses” ideal of everything magically working out the way you want may be more delusional than you care to admit to yourself or others.

However, Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces could just as well become a case of exchanging deep communications with others that bring forth those “aha” moments of intimacy and vulnerability.  When the parties involved communicate honestly and openly from their respective emotional-spiritual truths, this Mercury-Neptune trine gives a higher than usual probability of compromise or consensus being found.  In an environment of genuine receptivity and openness, the emotional and intellectual chemistry may be too strong to be ignored.  Despite logical and objective Libra 7 energy in the air, this could be a case of that logic and objectivity being considered and matched by the emotional-spiritual bliss of the Mercury-Neptune trine.

Your experience of Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces will depend on the experience you allow for yourself and others.  Questions to assist you through this journey are:

  • Are you allowing yourself to get in touch with your own emotions, feelings, and visions for what is possible in your life or in the world?  Are you clear about your perspective and position within yourself?
  • Are you willing to be vulnerable in sharing your position openly and honestly with others?
  • Are you willing to stand firm in the face of others’ opposition?  And it is wise for you to do that now?

Though Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces was exact at 2:46p PDT yesterday, October 1st, its effects will be felt late Saturday, September 28th through Friday October 4th.  Reflect on the last few days, and consider the upcoming few under this influence.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~Light, Love, and Blessings


Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces – Too Good or Too Unclear to Be True?

Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces was exact at 2:46p PDT yesterday, October 1st.  There is an element of this Mercury-Neptune trine that is a little too good to be true.  On the other, a little fantasy may be just what is needed to encourage dreams to be moved into reality.


Mercury in Scorpio is about extremes in thoughts, ideas, and communications.  Things happen quickly and decisively – there is no in-between.  It’s all-or-nothing thinking and speaking, and it wants to make a powerful difference in the lives of everyone involved with its words.

Neptune is in its sign of rulership in Pisces.  It is very comfortable being in the energy of imagination and artistry.  This is where inspiration happens, where intuition reigns.  It is also where our ideals can get the better of us, and though they may inspire us, they may also deceive us into believing that reality doesn’t exist.

With the components of this trine duly noted, when you’re tempted to think or speak in extremes while you are dreaming about your Utopian ideals, be aware that your thoughts and words could lead you to make some very important decisions that cannot be taken back.  But that isn’t the biggest caution of this Mercury-Neptune trine.

I’d say that the biggest caution of this Mercury-Neptune trine comes in that Neptune is in retrograde motion, meaning its energy is being focused within.  That indicates that the visionary ideals that you are eager to present are probably your own and may be yours alone.  They may be born of your own emotional and spiritual beliefs or truths, yet you may still need to do some soul-searching to clarify them for yourself before you communicate them to others.

This is not to say that your vision isn’t valid or possible.  It is to say that you need to make sure you know what you are saying that you are aware of its possible effects on others, and that you can stand by it all completely before you share it with others. Otherwise, in true Scorpio fashion, your lack of clarity and your failure to consider the bigger picture of humanity and All-That-Is may destroy any possibility of what you want coming into the reality of your experience.

Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces can also be a classic case of putting icing and sprinkles on a pile of poop and trying to convince yourself and others that it’s a cupcake.  The circumstances that you are in could be awful, and what is being communicated to you about them could be awful as well.  Yet for some reason, the plethora of red flags being put up through the words being communicated to you are somehow not getting through to you.  This may be because you’ve made up your mind on an emotional-intellectual level and you’re standing firm in your position,  ignoring the truth in favor of the hope that your “rose-colored glasses” ideal of everything magically working out the way you want may be more delusional than you care to admit to yourself or others.

However, Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces could just as well become a case of exchanging deep communications with others that bring forth those “aha” moments of intimacy and vulnerability.  When the parties involved communicate honestly and openly from their respective emotional-spiritual truths, this Mercury-Neptune trine gives a higher than usual probability of compromise or consensus being found.  In an environment of genuine receptivity and openness, the emotional and intellectual chemistry may be too strong to be ignored.  Despite logical and objective Libra 7 energy in the air, this could be a case of that logic and objectivity being considered and matched by the emotional-spiritual bliss of the Mercury-Neptune trine.

Your experience of Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces will depend on the experience you allow for yourself and others.  Questions to assist you through this journey are:

  • Are you allowing yourself to get in touch with your own emotions, feelings, and visions for what is possible in your life or in the world?  Are you clear about your perspective and position within yourself?
  • Are you willing to be vulnerable in sharing your position openly and honestly with others?
  • Are you willing to stand firm in the face of others’ opposition?  And it is wise for you to do that now?

Though Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces was exact at 2:46p PDT yesterday, October 1st, its effects will be felt late Saturday, September 28th through Friday October 4th.  Reflect on the last few days, and consider the upcoming few under this influence.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~Light, Love, and Blessings


Full “Harvest” Moon in Pisces – Reality-Inspired Fantasies

Not only is it the “Harvest Moon” – the Full Moon that is closest to the transition into the autumn season.  Exact as of 4:13a this morning, September 19th, this 2013 Full Moon in Pisces is also reflecting the Virgo Sun’s light back onto itself, bringing us into awareness of just how all of our work over the last few months is paying off…if it’s paying off in the first place.

With this Full Moon in Pisces being the Harvest Moon, it is a perfect time to notice the fruits of our labors since the Aries Sun cycle in late March/mid-April.  How have “the seeds” we planted during the spring grown?  If they have grown, what have they grown into?  How are they affecting us now?  Did we do the work we needed to do in order to nurture, protect, and support them to have an abundant harvest now?

If you have done the necessary work, congratulations!  This Full Moon could very well make you aware of just how much work you’ve done and how much you’ve accomplished since the spring.  Look at where you are now compared to where you were six months ago.  How does it feel for you to have something to show for your work?

If you haven’t done the necessary work, your inclination right now may be to avoid or run away from the fact that you haven’t done the necessary work to nurture your seeds.  That fact may bring you to your emotional desire to escape the realities of your life, and you may be creating dreams or fantasies that help you avoid the practical truths of the day-to-day situations and circumstances you are facing.  This Full Moon reflects back to you what you haven’t taken care of in the day-to-day of your life, even though it’s become rather urgent to address.

A large part of this avoidance mechanism can be disguised as being of service to others.  Pisces is so sensitive, selfless, and good-hearted that it is known to give its own security and well-being up for that of others.

Yet Pisces is also known for using its eager willingness to serve others as a way of being an escape artist.  By keeping yourself busy with the business and wellness of others, you may think that you don’t have to deal with yourself and how you aren’t doing the work for yourself that you do for everyone else.  Keep in mind that by avoiding your own work in the name of service to others, you may think that you’re getting away with your avoidance by playing saint to the sinners you get to “save” through your efforts.

However, neglecting your own dreams and goals doesn’t make you selfless – it makes you selfish!  You are selfish because you aren’t doing what you need to do to sustain yourself.   You cannot be there to support others if you’ve compromised your own health, wellness, and life functionality to “be there” for others.  You’re selfish because you may not be supporting yourself and who you get to be in the world.  If you aren’t being yourself in the world, those you “serve” aren’t able to connect with you in ways that fulfill both you and those who receive your service.

The 2013 Pisces Harvest Moon helps you recognize where you are trying to hide from your reality by using your beautiful and romantic reality-inspired fantasies of selfless service, which may actually show up as selfish service, martyrdom, and self-sacrifice.   And if you choose to be awake and aware of what the Universe is telling you through synchronicity (or for some of you, coincidence), you may find some answers to exactly what is holding you back in any areas of your life in which you feel stuck or disappointed with your outcomes to date.

Use the light of this Full Harvest Moon in Pisces to seek and find the truth about the last six months of your life.  See what the fruits of your labors are showing themselves to be. Also notice where your dreams and fantasies may be inspired by your avoidance of the reality you may not want to face.  The power of the Harvest Moon will be felt most strongly through Friday, September 20th.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…
~Light, Love, and Blessings,


Full “Harvest” Moon in Pisces – Reality-Inspired Fantasies

Not only is it the “Harvest Moon” – the Full Moon that is closest to the transition into the autumn season.  Exact as of 4:13a this morning, September 19th, this 2013 Full Moon in Pisces is also reflecting the Virgo Sun’s light back onto itself, bringing us into awareness of just how all of our work over the last few months is paying off…if it’s paying off in the first place.

With this Full Moon in Pisces being the Harvest Moon, it is a perfect time to notice the fruits of our labors since the Aries Sun cycle in late March/mid-April.  How have “the seeds” we planted during the spring grown?  If they have grown, what have they grown into?  How are they affecting us now?  Did we do the work we needed to do in order to nurture, protect, and support them to have an abundant harvest now?

If you have done the necessary work, congratulations!  This Full Moon could very well make you aware of just how much work you’ve done and how much you’ve accomplished since the spring.  Look at where you are now compared to where you were six months ago.  How does it feel for you to have something to show for your work?

If you haven’t done the necessary work, your inclination right now may be to avoid or run away from the fact that you haven’t done the necessary work to nurture your seeds.  That fact may bring you to your emotional desire to escape the realities of your life, and you may be creating dreams or fantasies that help you avoid the practical truths of the day-to-day situations and circumstances you are facing.  This Full Moon reflects back to you what you haven’t taken care of in the day-to-day of your life, even though it’s become rather urgent to address.

A large part of this avoidance mechanism can be disguised as being of service to others.  Pisces is so sensitive, selfless, and good-hearted that it is known to give its own security and well-being up for that of others.

Yet Pisces is also known for using its eager willingness to serve others as a way of being an escape artist.  By keeping yourself busy with the business and wellness of others, you may think that you don’t have to deal with yourself and how you aren’t doing the work for yourself that you do for everyone else.  Keep in mind that by avoiding your own work in the name of service to others, you may think that you’re getting away with your avoidance by playing saint to the sinners you get to “save” through your efforts.

However, neglecting your own dreams and goals doesn’t make you selfless – it makes you selfish!  You are selfish because you aren’t doing what you need to do to sustain yourself.   You cannot be there to support others if you’ve compromised your own health, wellness, and life functionality to “be there” for others.  You’re selfish because you may not be supporting yourself and who you get to be in the world.  If you aren’t being yourself in the world, those you “serve” aren’t able to connect with you in ways that fulfill both you and those who receive your service.

The 2013 Pisces Harvest Moon helps you recognize where you are trying to hide from your reality by using your beautiful and romantic reality-inspired fantasies of selfless service, which may actually show up as selfish service, martyrdom, and self-sacrifice.   And if you choose to be awake and aware of what the Universe is telling you through synchronicity (or for some of you, coincidence), you may find some answers to exactly what is holding you back in any areas of your life in which you feel stuck or disappointed with your outcomes to date.

Use the light of this Full Harvest Moon in Pisces to seek and find the truth about the last six months of your life.  See what the fruits of your labors are showing themselves to be. Also notice where your dreams and fantasies may be inspired by your avoidance of the reality you may not want to face.  The power of the Harvest Moon will be felt most strongly through Friday, September 20th.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…
~Light, Love, and Blessings,


Leo Sun Square Scorpio Moon – Human Theater

I don’t usually blog about Sun-Moon transits.  It’s not that they can’t be significant; it’s just that they happen so frequently that it’s not really a big deal to keep up.

However, I was once introduced to the idea that there is a difference between a choice and a decision.  In choice, you are simply choosing an option whereas in a decision, you are selecting an option and cutting (or killing) off the other option(s) completely.  Today is a day in which that distinction holds a good deal of significance.

The Moon in Scorpio squared the Leo Sun at 3:56a PDT this morning of August 14th, 2013, and the potential for emotionally-generated drama is exceptionally high today.  I’m typing this rare blog post about a Sun-Moon transit because this square could produce some dynamic human theater at its best or worst today.

Scorpio tends to make decisions rather than choices, which is why this Moon in Scorpio may make it easy for you to have an emotional response that may lead you to act in extremes.  An added dose of intensity is due to the fact that Scorpio Moon will also trine Mars in Cancer today, bringing great emotional volatility to your actions and reactions.  This explosive nature may be triggered if people or things you are emotionally invested in (including yourself!) seem threatened or vulnerable in some way.  You may be quick to defend or protect your interests, and this could very well lead to a full display of hot-headed action or reaction that you may regret later.

Leo is the sign of radiant Light and bold self-expression, and the Leo Sun can reveal and bring attention to multitude of truths simply with its presence.  When you feel like you need or want to be acknowledged or given attention, it is well within your reach to draw a spotlight to yourself under the Leo Sun’s influence.  You can stir up quite a bit of drama if you want to draw more attention to yourself and/or your personal interests, and with this 2013 Leo Sun in square aspect to this Scorpio Moon, the means by which you do that could make for some very entertaining or exasperating self-expression.

The challenge here is that you may not want everyone to see you get emotionally reactive, angry, or upset as Scorpio is often rather secretive until it’s ready to make its move or take its revenge.  Yet thanks to the Leo Sun, the Scorpio Moon’s stealthy cover is likely to get blown.  Any show of emotional intensity on your part could become the headline act of the day, so you want to make sure that if you act out emotionally, it’s for good reason.

Your emotion-based actions and/or reactions could leave quite an impression on others today, so there won’t be any take backs under the influence of this 2013 Leo Sun-Scorpio Moon square.  Once you’ve done it, it’s probably done for good.  So, be aware of your emotional responses to the happenings around you so you can prevent yourself from falling prey to a theatrical tragedy of your own creation.  Who knows.  With a little self-awareness today, you may find yourself laughing about the events of the day rather than crying over them when it’s all said and done.

Here’s to hoping for a day of comedic human theater.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Water Grand Trine of Sun in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces – Taking Off Your Rose-Colored Glasses

There are three Water Grand Trine configurations during this 2013 Cancer Sun cycle!  This collection and combination of transits and the planets involved make these Grand Trine transits a pretty big deal.

Let’s discuss.

To start, the common thread of all three of these 2013 Cancer Sun Cycle Water Grand Trines is the Saturn in Scorpio-Neptune in Pisces trine. 

Saturn is in the sign of Scorpio.  In this sign, Saturn is establishing transformation and evolution as the new structure for our collective experience, asking us to accept that depth and substance is being established as our new structure for living.  It calls upon us to focus on the deeper depths of who we are and what we are doing to accomplish our goals in this world.

Under the influence of Saturn in Scorpio, there is no longer a place for superficial small talk or polite façades in our efforts to achieve our goals or manifest our desired results.  If we want to establish what we say we want to establish in our world, we must get real with ourselves and each other on a very deep and profound level.

Saturn in Scorpio (currently in retrograde motion) asks us to go within yourself and to dig below the surface to get to the deepest and darkest truths of who you are and why you do what you do, somehow understanding that when you explore our darkest depths, you are blessed with access to your brightest expression of Divine Light.   Due to the retrograde of Saturn  at this time, you get the luxury of experiencing this exploration from the inside out – recognizing from within yourself the changes that need to occur in your life on the outside.  This is a much easier process that the way those lessons could come to you otherwise.

Neptune is traveling (also currently in retrograde motion) its home sign of Pisces – inspired and visionary, and also artistic, creative, and imaginative.  It calls upon recognize and access our collective Oneness, which gives awakening to both our spirituality and artistry, allowing us to honor and take steps to bring our visions into the reality of our lives.

However, Neptune in Pisces may also bring an extra dose of idealism, so fantasy and delusion are also highlighted now, especially if you have planets in your natal or progressed charts that are in conjunction or trine aspect with these.  It is important not to let your head be so high up in the clouds that you lose contact with a grounded reality.

This is why it’s good that Neptune is trine with such an intense Saturn right now – these two will help keep each other in check.  Neptune allows you to follow your dreams, yet Saturn holds you accountable and responsible for the emotional reality of your life – responsibility and accountability which, in their lacking, may actually be keeping those dreams from becoming your tangible and experiential reality.

This first of three 2013 Cancer Sun Cycle Water Grand Trines includes the Sun in Cancer, which trined Saturn at 2:12a PDT on Wednesday, June 26th, then trined Neptune at 10:48a PDT later that same morning. When combined with Saturn and Neptune, the Sun brings Light to whatever has been hidden from view in matters regarding the manifestation of your dreams.  That means that whatever has been hiding underneath the surface now gets to be revealed to you, and whichever dreams or visions have you being especially delusional get to be brought down to earth.  This gives you a chance to face and deal with these revelations for yourself first so you can reveal these truths to others later.

Grand trines are very fortunate configurations, and ultimately bring forth positive and healing outcomes.  But for some of you who may be deeply emotionally attached to your veils, secrets, and delusional beliefs, this may be more a gentle wake-up call and a not-so-positive experience for you – at first.

What may prove challenging for you is that Sun in Cancer is likely to reveal the areas and aspects of your life that you give a great deal of nurturing and protective energy to.  Though we all like to think that we are nurturing people, relationships, beliefs, behaviors, and/or things that support and encourage us to fulfill intentions and achieve goals, some of what you may care for and protect may not be serving you well any longer if it ever did in the first place.  There may prove to be some painful truths revealed to us by Sun in Cancer that is magnified in the power of this Water Grand Trine.

Even though it may not feel good at first, it would be very wise to take heed and start taking care of your emotional matters now.  The first week of July may prove very challenging if you believe that you can move forward without having to give up or transform any of your old emotionally protective ways.

In resisting the call of the Sun-Saturn-Neptune Water Grand Trine to face and deal, the upcoming Venus-Saturn square and especially Saturn returning to direct motion may prove very enlightening in ways that may force you from the outside in to face the emotional demons you’ve been hiding and to begin the emotional releasing and healing work you’ve been avoiding.

This Sun-Saturn-Neptune Water Grand Trine announces that it’s time to take off your rose-colored glasses and deal with yourself and the emotional truth of your life so you can have the life you want – you can choose to take them off, or you can have them taken off for you.  The choice is yours.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…
~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Sagittarius – “Through The Pink”

It’s our third eclipse event in a row for 2013!  This time, it’s a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in the sign of Sagittarius, exact at 9:25p PDT on Friday, May 24th, 2013.

Lunar Eclipses occur when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, casting its shadow upon the Moon as result of the Sun’s backlighting.  In this particular Lunar Eclipse, all four of the Zodiac elements are represented.  The Sun is traveling in the air element sign of Gemini, while the Moon is traveling in the fire element sign of Sagittarius. The Moon itself is associated with the water element, and the Earth represents, well, the earth.  This is a very balanced Full Moon phase.

Usually when there is Full Moon, the Moon’s emotions are being exposed or brought to light by the Sun.  That said, Gemini likes to deal in theories – it likes to take all of the information it gathers and base its “truth” upon its logic.  Sagittarius, however, likes to deal in experience – it likes to take Gemini’s theories out into the world, try them out and learn from the experiences so they can speak truthfully based on their hands-on knowledge.

So when the light of the Gemini Sun shines on the Sagittarius Moon, it wants to learn from Sag’s wisdom of experience of its theories.  What Gemini usually isn’t counting on is getting feedback that it has a difficult time relating to – emotional wisdom.

Emotions can be erratic, unpredictable – heck, they can be downright messy. With Gemini, as an air sign, it is challenged by anything that cannot be explained with logic or intellect. With the Moon in Sagittarius’ fire, passionate feelings arise – its emotions are at the core of the experience its wisdom is drawn from.  The Gemini Sun exposes the Sagittarius Moon, thinking that it’s going to get to some profound rational insights and wisdom to add to its wealth of knowledge.  It isn’t prepared for the possibility of its carefully crafted theories to be confronted by the truth that arises from Sag’s practical application of those theories.

This time around, the Gemini Sun exposes truths that you may not be ready for because you may have only accounted for an intellectual theory, not a passionate emotional experience.  And with the Lunar Eclipse factored in, the effects of this Full Moon cycle will be around for a while – probably felt for 5-6 months to come.

At first, this grand exposure of passion and emotion may not seem as dramatic as it actually is due to the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse.  The Earth’s outer shadow comes between these two, dimming the Sun’s reflection, making this what is also known as a “pink moon”.  Emotional truth will be revealed, but initially, it will be a softer, more subtle revelation.  Unfortunately, under Gemini’s influence, you may be quick to take what you get during “the pink phase” as the whole truth, deducting your version of reality from what you get from those few minutes.

This is the problematic element of this Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Sagittarius – the truth you might make up based on what you know, thinking it is good enough to fill in what you missed, may either not be good enough or too good to be true.  But with the eclipse is at its fullest at 4° Sagittarius, there’s plenty of Sag’s emotional truth to be exposed in the brightness of the Sun’s reflection once the Moon passes through the pink of the Earth’s outer shadow.  Once the actual eclipse completes and reality of the remaining truth sets in, you may find yourself being brought back down to earth in a very humbling or painful way, and those watery emotions you may have been trying to hide underneath your mental prowess may finally bubble up to the surface.  A sliver of that whole real truth may still be withheld in the darkness, but only a sliver.

During this Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Sagittarius, you serve yourself and others best if you use the abundant Gemini energy present (with Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter all in Gemini) to communicateAsk questions rather than trying to make things up with what you think you already know.  There is never a worthy substitute for the whole real truth, and you may find that if something is revealed or if something happens that is outside of the norm, you are better off asking the source(s) directly than guessing or trying to fill it in without all of the facts at hand.

Take that advice to heart as you navigate this 2013 Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Sagittarius and its after-effects.  May you find honesty, clarity, and peace of mind in doing so.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…


~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


2013 – The Year of Love…and Mothers

I’ve shared with you the astrological dynamics of the beginning of this New Year in the recent blog posts and in the e-zine for the month of Capricorn 2012-13.  However, I’d like to get more in-depth about the numerology of 2013.

2013 is a Universal 6 Year, numerologically speaking.

6 is an energy of nurturing, caring, and protecting.  It is a maternal energy, and it tends to be emotionally based.  It is also associated with healing and wellness.  Many people who have this influence in their natal charts tend to be drawn toward professions or activities that encourage and support good health.  These could be roles such as nurses, psychotherapists, massage therapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, nutritionists, etc.  Generally speaking, 6 is a number inclined to roles and professions in which they can provide nurturing, caring, and loving service to others.

The good news about this influence is that it can prove to be very nurturing and healing.  6 could very well be called “The Love Number” because it is that geared toward providing whatever is needed for others to feel emotionally cared for.  In my practice, I tend to call 6 energy “Mommy Energy”, as it can represent maternal energy at its best and worst.

This is a great energy to have present coming out of all of the changes during our previous 5 Universal Year.  Some of those changes were pretty intense, and some healing energy is definitely welcome now.  In this 6 Year, It would be wise for people to seek out others who can help them come to terms with the challenges they face as result of these changes – to help them adjust to the new landscapes of their lives.  Others may do best being of loving and nurturing service to others, finding that being nurturing and healing for others proves to be healing for their own hearts as well.

The challenge with this influence is that like a mother protecting her child, people may protect their “loved” interests or their loved ones with great ferocity.  The concept of “circling the wagons” is how this influence will show up for some.  It could also show up as over-protection of loved ones, and disrespect for privacy or personal boundaries may be seen as “necessary” in order to protect one’s emotional interests.

There could also be some “tough love” dealt out, with less warm and fuzzy being shared and more pushing loved ones out of the nest in order to break emotionally clingy or dependent ties.

Either way, there are usually good loving and nurturing intentions here – after all, it is a mothering influence.  But for all their good intentions, sometimes mothers make some not-so-good choices.  We will definitely experience both the good and the not-so-good this year.


In personal matters, there are people who will either have a need for loving care and nurturing awakened in them, or who will find themselves very uncomfortable with allowing others to care for, nurture, or protect them.

For those who awaken to a need for this energy, these individuals will either seek out others who will provide them with this loving and nurturing care or they will seek out others they can provide this care to.

With the latter, the helpful element is that they can provide much-needed healing service to others at this time – helping others become healthy and well, developing within them the confidence and courage to move on with their lives.  The challenging detail here is that they may be so caring and nurturing, they could end up smothering or controlling those they care for – becoming over-protective and dependent on those they “need” to take care of to the point where they don’t allow their loved ones to grow up or develop independence and self-responsibility.

With the former, they are often the recipients of this type of care and nurturing.  Their openness to receive can be as healing for the ones giving them that care.  However, like the caregivers, the receivers can become dependent and not be willing to further develop their independence or growth.  They may seek out protection and control of others, giving up their personal power to others in order to avoid taking responsibility for themselves.

On the uncomfortable side, these individuals may feel they are giving up their individuality and freedom in allowing others to care for them or in having to take care of others. “Smothered”, “controlled”, or “manipulated” are usually words used by these individuals who are deeply afraid of being or becoming dependent on others.  These people may find themselves having to confront their issues around loving relationships with family and close friends.  Some will find themselves unable to make a healthy shift, pushing away others who try to love or care for them – like a turtle or a crab, they will withdraw into their shell to “protect” themselves from being emotionally vulnerable to others.  However, others may turn a corner and open themselves up to healthy emotional vulnerability.  In doing so, they may very well experience an appreciation for receiving and/or giving loving care and protection like they never have before.


On a larger scale, this 6 Universal Year energy could show up as corporations, governments, and other large institutions making major strides to care for and nurture their employees or citizens.  There could be some very humanitarian or philanthropic efforts and acts to be of service to as many people as possible in the most positive, healing, and healthy ways.  There will be acts of protection and provision that may be much needed and welcomed by its recipients.

However, these large scale acts and efforts could just as well result in the eliminating of public privacy safeguards or eliminating or overstepping legal boundaries in order to provide this “protection” or “service” to others.  This type of protection and nurturing can be detrimental as it creates either dependency or abandonment dynamics in cultures and societies.  Individuals within these social structures may find themselves at the mercy of the larger entities, feeling like they are being forced into circumstances they don’t want to be in yet feeling obligated to comply.  This has been occurring in some ways for a while now, but be prepared to see it and feel the effects of it (and responses to it) far more clearly in this 6 Year.


2013 starts off with January 2013 being a 7 Universal Month, meaning that there is a thoughtful, analytical, and somewhat introverted energy in the air.  Many of us will be thinking about the year we are coming out of, and thinking just as much if not more about what we are creating for this New Year.  We will also be observing and taking note of what is happening around us.  With the 6 energy of the Universal Year, we are probably going to look at what supports, nurtures, and cares for us both on the personal/private and external/public levels of our everyday lives…and more important, the balance of provision and self-responsibility.

February 2013 will be an 8 month, and in that month be prepared to see some actions taken in order to claim power, position, and control.  Much like December 2012, there will be some intense dynamics, but this time around they are likely to involve individuals coming together to champion larger causes and concerns that are humanitarian or philanthropic in nature.


All in all, 2013 will provide us with many opportunities in a grand variety of ways on many different levels to help each of us assess and re-define what Love is and how Love is expressed in our lives.  I hope this article gives you some valuable insights for the early part of 2013.  There will be more to come over the coming weeks and months.

Wishing you all the best for 2013!

~Light, Love, and Blessings,


Mars in Sagittarius – Actions of Wisdom and Truth

At 8:21p PDT on Saturday, October 6th, 2012, Mars moves into Sagittarius to complete a flurry of planetary sign change in the last 48 hours.

Mars has been in Scorpio, lending a rather extreme energy to our actions.  You may have found that your actions and the actions of others have had an all-or-nothing quality about them, producing some extreme and life-altering results in the last few weeks (since August 23rd).  Much has happened, and now with Mars moving into the adventurous and open-minded Sagittarius, we are encouraged to seize the opportunity to take actions to move onward through the after-effects with a positive and hopeful attitude.

Sagittarius is an optimistic energy, which will be desperately needed at this time.  Having Mars in this sign will influence our actions by encouraging us to take actions that move us into positive and growth-inducing learning experiences.  Sagittarius, more than any other sign, learns from first-hand experience – it wants and needs to have the experience itself so it can share and/or teach the wisdom of its experiences with others.

Wisdom is one of the most important parts of this 2012 Mars in Sagittarius cycle.  The actions you take now will likely be the product of the wisdom of your experiences before now.  This is a chance for you to take the most positive lessons from your past and apply them to your life in the present moment.

The other important element is truth.  Truth and the search for it is the ultimate goal of Sagittarius.  There is plenty to discover and learn along the way, but when it’s all said and done, Sag wants to be able to get to the bottom of things and know that its journey has uncovered or connected assorted events to a bigger Universal truth.  This is important to note because the actions you take under Mars in Sagittarius’ influence will not only be about the wisdom of your experiences – they will also be about getting to and sharing the truth of those experiences.

That said, in this 2012 Mars in Sagittarius cycle, there will be a great deal of truth revealed in your actions and in the actions of others.  The truths revealed could very well include your deepest and most emotionally-intimate thoughts (Mercury in Scorpio); the real reality of the nature and purpose of your one-on-one relationships and partnerships (Venus in Virgo); and what you really believe yourself to be capable and worthy of achieving and/or accomplishing in your life, and how you feel about yourself and your life as it stands now in the face of those beliefs (mutual reception of Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn).

You will be undergoing this process…and so will others.  Mars in Sagittarius provides each and all of us the opportunity to learn the truth about ourselves and each other through our actions.  Especially while the Sun in still in Libra until October 22nd, we will be able to assess whether or not the relationships in our lives support or detract from our lives.  Some (if not all) of what we keep most hidden and most secret about our relationships has the potential of being revealed at this time.  And as the Sun moves into Scorpio, those relationship revelations will in turn reveal some (if not all) of what we keep most hidden and secret about individual ourselves to others.

Keep in mind, however, that if your secrets are indeed revealed through your actions, it is only because there is a bigger purpose for that revelation to occur when it does.  Trust that whatever is revealed is somehow exactly what needs to be revealed in order for the transformation of yourself or your life to occur…so that your chosen goals and ambitions can be realized.

This is, again, where those goals I’ve been talking about for months now come into play.  If you have set clearly-defined goals or a clear vision for yourself about the life you are creating, then the truths that will be revealed will reflect what changes are (and aren’t) occurring in and around your life for those goals to be realized.  However, if you have not set clearly defined goals for yourself, you may find that the truth of your indecision will be revealed as well.   Without a clear direction, these next few weeks and possibly the remainder of this year may be quite difficult for you to navigate.

Mars leaves Sagittarius and enters Capricorn on November 16th, 2012 to begin bringing forth tangible results out of our truth-revealing actions.

Until then, make the most of this Mars in Sagittarius cycle by doing your best to enjoy the adventures and revelations that come into your life, and the wisdom and truth that come out of them for your benefit now and forward.

To find out which areas of your life may be most affected by Mars moving into Sagittarius, look to where Sagittarius falls in your chart(s).  For more insights on this subject, click here to contact me for a chart interpretation.

Thank you again for reading and sharing this blog.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,



New Moon in Leo – You Shine It, You Own It

With the Sun in Leo these last few weeks, there has been a lot of focus on yourself and who you are choosing to be in and for the world, and who have around you who supports or detriments your ability to shine your unique expression of Light into the world.  The Sun, of course, is still in Leo for another few days, and Mercury is continuing its presence in the sign in direct motion for a couple more weeks.

So by now, you know you have an unique expression of Light inside you that is shining outwardly to the world, whether you are aware of it or not.  And unless you have chosen to hide out in a cave somewhere, with both Sun and Mercury in Leo right now, everyone sees what you have to offer from the inside out.

Now the Moon joins the Sun and Mercury in Leo, and the Moon conjuncts the Sun at 8:55a PDT on Friday, August 17th, 2012.  This conjunction is also known as New Moon in Leo.

The questions at hand are:

  • Do you see yourself completely?
  • Do you fully realize who you are and what you have to share with others?
  • And do you own your complete self-expression from the inside out?

With the New Moon in Leo, there is an opportunity to not only know your Light but to own your Light.  When I say ‘own’, I mean to claim it and be responsible and accountable for it from the inside out.  Owning the expression of Light you shine – owning your unique identity – means to be able to say “Yeah, this is me. What about it?”  to anyone who questions your outward self-expression.  It also means that you are willing to own up to who you are being in your life (for better and worse) because you feel the truth of your self-expression in and from your inner being.

This inward talk of feelings and emotions is heart language, and for those of you who aren’t comfortable with your emotions or with expressing your emotions, this may be a challenging time for you as you are being called upon to be aware of and own your inner feelings as much as you are being aware of and owning your outward expression at this time.  True ownership is being able to inwardly and outwardly express yourself.  Feeling a certain way on the inside and expressing yourself outwardly in alignment with that inner Truth is the ultimate of ownership for who you are being in and for the world.

As stated in the previous blog post and earlier in this one, with the Sun and Mercury both in Leo right now, who you truly are and how you truly feel is probably no secret…to you or anyone else.  Not much can be hidden in the glow of the Leo Sun, and especially with Mercury in Leo, it’s not as if people aren’t already seeing you or talking about what they see.  The question under this New Moon in Leo is whether or not you choose to take 100% ownership for who you are being in your outward expression.

If taking conscious ownership of your self-expression is a challenge for you, it may be because you are not outwardly expressing yourself in full alignment with your inner Truth.  You may find yourself saying things that defend or justify your actions and behaviors – things like, “That’s not really me” or “That’s not what I meant”.  Those types of statements are clues that your emotions and actions are not in alignment with each other, and there is something you get to examine about yourself as to why they aren’t reflecting the Truth of who you know yourself to be and what you meant to express.

New Moons are great times to start something new – it brings an emotional awareness of your self-expression energy, which allows for an emotional renewal of energy.  This Leo New Moon is a perfect opportunity to align how you choose to express yourself on the outside with who you really are on the inside.  It’s a chance to show the world your True colors and to feel comfortable and confident in revealing them to others.

It’s also a chance to remember – if you’re the one who put it out there, it’s yours.  You shine it, you own it.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love and Blessings,
