2014 Gemini Full Moon – Both Sides Now (Emerging Truths, Exposing Lies)

Sag Full Moon 20141206_010904_resized - GDCThe Moon enters its fullest phase in the sign of Gemini at 4:47a PST on Saturday, 6th December 2014, opposite the Sagittarius Sun at 14°.  When it does, it has plenty to say about where we are individually and collectively and where we may be going next.

Gemini is the communicator of the Zodiac.  It thrives on gathering and exchanging information, ideas, and insights.  It’s also known as the perpetual child and/or student energy of the Zodiac, and is often found asking questions or being very observant and attentive.  Gemini is also an excellent multi-tasker, and quickly processes any and all information it gathers, often picking up on little bits of information even if you think things are too busy or chaotic for anyone to notice.  To that point, Gemini will usually pick up on whatever you may be trying to hide…

…Which is why this 2014 Gemini Full Moon is so remarkable.  Opposing the Sagittarius Sun, the Moon is reflecting the Sun’s search for Truth back onto itself.  It reminds us that our external search for Truth often reflects our internal search for Truth.  When we are seeking to explain or understand what is happening within ourselves, we tend to search outside ourselves for the answers – seeking answers, inspiration, and/or guidance through experiences or through others.

Gemini is also the sign of “the twins”, which reminds us of its duplicity and duality.  There are two sides to every story; every action has an equal and opposite reaction.  The emergence of truth means that there will also be an exposure of lies.  Both will need to be faced and dealt with under the light of this 2014 Gemini Full Moon, which may help us  finally come to terms with the truth about ourselves, both collectively and individually, through external events.

During the Sagittarius New Moon and numerological 9 energy on 22nd November, there was an opportunity to move on from the outgrown and outdated to begin new adventures, especially on an emotional level.  Now under the 2014 Gemini Full Moon and the numerological 1 energy of December 2014, this is a wonderful opportunity to understand what is behind your desired course shift and to bring a new intellectual component to your human experience adventure.  For you as an individual, you are in a position to understand why you are becoming who you are becoming in your life if have chosen to shift course into uncharted territory.  And for those of you who are doing your best to stick with the status quo, you may gain some great insight into why you are choosing to remain the same.

Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini, is within 3° conjunction orb of the Sagittarius Sun (at 12° Sagittarius), and is therefore opposite its sign of rulership and the Full Moon.  This is an indicator that there will be plenty of information coming to Light in ways that are big, bold, and blunt.  Truths will be revealed in ways that cannot be hidden or denied.  This will include truths revealed to ourselves by ourselves.  Our own behaviors and beliefs will help us awaken to who we are truly being in our lives, giving us an opportunity to know ourselves in ways we may never have seen ourselves before now.

We get to face the truths and lies about ourselves and our lives in ways that we haven’t been able to before now.  There are experiential, emotional, and intellectual comprehensions that get to come into focus at this time and may change the course of humanity permanently in doing so.  This may very well be a tipping point where we begin to awaken to what we have become up to this point, and where we get to decide where and how we are going from here.

We see this as we are currently experiencing a global increase in awareness of racial, religious, sexual, and cultural prejudices and the detrimental behaviors that result from them is having many of us reassessing both our thoughts, beliefs, and the credibility of our information sources.   The questions abound:

  • Who can we trust?
  • Is what they are saying actually and factually true?
  • Do they really believe what they are saying?
  • Do we really believe what they are saying?
  • Are we believing and saying what is really true for ourselves?

There are so many things coming to Light that are having us question ourselves and our lives, and this is wonderful!  This may be revealing that it is time for us to experience intellectual independence and/or an information revolution.  This 2014 Gemini Full Moon may mark the seeds of the resurrection of critical thinking as individuals begin to realize that what they are being told may not actually be real or true.

It’s time to begin distinguishing the truth from the lies for ourselves as Sagittarius’ essence is awakened in the reflection of the Sagittarius Sun’s light by this 2014 Gemini Full Moon.  We get to see both sides now.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,



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