New Moon in Cancer – Companions for the Journey

The Moon enters its next New phase in the sign of Cancer at 9:42p PDT on Wednesday, July 18th, 2012.

This New Moon in Cancer is occurring near the end of the Cancer Sun cycle rather than the beginning, following the Full Moon in Capricorn earlier in the Cancer Sun cycle.  What’s interesting about this order of events is that by experiencing the Capricorn Full Moon first, we’ve been nudged by the Universe to set goals and ambitions for ourselves – to make decisive choices about where we want to go, how we want our lives to be, and who we want to have along with us for the journey as our companions and champions.

Now is the time for us to begin taking the steps to manifest the fulfillment of our goals and intentions clarified since the Full Moon, and in doing so, it is time for us to nurture, support and protect what is emotionally important to us as we pursue those outward ambitions.

This is a perfect time to check in with ourselves regarding the new goals, new intentions and new beginnings we’ve created in and for our lives:

  • What have you started recently?
  • What seeds have you planted for your future?
  • How can you make sure your new beginnings get the support, encouragement and protection they need to grow in healthy and positive ways?

In answering these questions for yourself, you may find yourself being more aware than usual of your emotional support structure – the people in your life who help you become aware of how you feel and who support you and encourage you in the times when your life is changing dramatically (for both better and worse) or you’re your circumstances are challenging you intensely.

During this Cancer New Moon, you will likely become more aware of who is helping you or hindering you in developing healthy emotional expressions and healthy emotional support structures in your pursuit of your goals and ambitions.  And as we approach the Sun’s entrance into Leo on Sunday, July 22nd, you may also more clearly recognize the people in your life who are (or can) support and encourage you in shining your unique and individual Light out into the world.

For those of us who have not yet clearly defined our goals or intentions, this may be a very challenging time as we realize our lack of support and encouragement, recognize our inability to nurture or protect what is emotionally important to us, or notice that opportunities to seize and achieve our goals may be passing us by.  It will be important for us to ask for what we need to feel emotionally supported, nurtured, and protected as we move forward.

For those of us who have gotten clear about where we are going and what we want to achieve and accomplish, this may be a remarkably easy time as our emotional support structure roots us on.  We feel capable of nurturing and protecting what is emotionally important to us.  We seize the opportunities presented to us and feel like we are on the road toward the fulfillment of our goals and life purpose.  It will be important for us to continue to communicate our emotional needs clearly.

Keep in mind that Mercury is in retrograde, and that we are still in a “do-over” period regarding our communications and the information we are receiving.  You may find yourself addressing, correcting or clarifying past communications in order to “course-correct” and set a clear direction for your next life steps that is more in alignment with your inner truth.  You may also find that certain communications, choices and/or commitments made now may need to be revisited at a later date – that something about them isn’t as clear or complete as believed in this moment, yet even those things will help you become more clear about how to .

In whichever form it comes, all of the information you are receiving and revisiting right now during this Cancer New Moon is helping you identify who and what is emotionally supporting, encouraging and protecting you right now in this time of your life.  Allow these elements of your support structure to reveal themselves.  Allow yourself to notice them, and to be objective in assessing them.

And once you have distinguished who and what is coming along for your life journey, welcome them into your life as your companions and friends – maybe even as your “family” of sorts – as you travel your chosen path.  Allow yourself to let your guard down and allow those people to be there for you as you move forward on your life’s path.

Enjoy this New Moon phase.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love and Blessings,



Full Moon in Capricorn/Cancer – Emotional Accountability

The Full Moon arrives in the sign of Capricorn at 11:52a PDT on Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012.

Since the Sun entered Cancer on June 21st, you’ve had the chance to look at your life in the context of nurturing.  This Sun sign cycle has given you a chance to gain clarity about what you really need to feel emotionally nurtured, cared for and supported in your life.

In contrast to Cancer’s emotional nurturing and warmth, Capricorn is all about tangible results.  It is goal-oriented, ambitious, and coolly disciplined in its approach to manifesting its desired results.

Yet, it is the Moon – Cancer’s ruling planetary body – achieving its full phase in this rather strict and focused sign of Capricorn.  Therefore, this Full Moon in Capricorn represents what you want to be emotionally accountable for creating and establishing at this moment in your life.


Full Moon in Capricorn reminds you that you are responsible for choosing the environment that emotionally supports you and the pursuit and achievement of your goals and ambitions.  You choose the relationships, the interactions, the associations, the energy – you choose the people and things to have around you that provide you with either support or sabotage of your goals and ambitions.  You also choose how you respond to the environments of your creation.  It is important for you to create and/or align yourself with environments and people who truly emotionally support and encourage you in your pursuit of your goals and dreams…and if you don’t like what you have around you or coming up within you, it is up to you to change it.

The Cancer-Capricorn axis brings awareness of how much your emotional foundation and well-being really does affect your ability to achieve and succeed in your life.  When you have a strong emotional support structure behind or beside you, you know you have something or someone to catch you when you fall or to encourage you to get up when you are ready to sit down and let your life pass you by.  Without that support, you may find yourself hiding from life, protecting yourself from possible hurt and/or failure, so afraid of the emotional pain of not achieving your goals that you may never even set out to try to achieve them in the first place.

This is not to say that everyone or everything that causes you emotional pain should be instantly disregarded or discarded from your life.  In fact, it is just the opposite – pay attention to what hurts you emotionally right now and ask yourself why it hurts you so much.   With Venus and Jupiter both in Gemini during this Full Moon cycle, the answers to ‘why’ can bring profound, positive, and possibly even profitable personal growth for you and your life.


One especially interesting detail about this Full Moon is that the New Moon that led into it was not in the current Sun sign cycle.  The previous New Moon was a second appearance in Gemini.  That has this Full Moon leading us right into a maturity of the Cancer-Capricorn axis energy – immediately into a focus on the results we want to receive and/or achieve through establishing and developing the emotional foundations of our lives.  In a way, we will be putting the cart before the horse – getting clear about what we want to manifest in and for our lives, then creating the emotional environment to support us in bringing it into tangible reality.


There are two other planetary shifts that will have a influence upon this Full Moon cycle:

  • The Moon makes a brief conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn before going completely full on Tuesday.  This makes for a very interesting dynamic as Pluto brings a transformative (a.k.a. – powerful and sometimes destructive) energy to matters.  This Full Moon comes in the wake of a rather profound event or revelation.  Since Pluto is retrograde, it may be a revelation from within yourself rather than something affecting you from the outside world – certain recent events or a series of seemingly unrelated moments may suddenly reveal their common connection or collective reason for why they occurred.  This revelation is likely to help you make choices about things that you have been indecisive about for quite a while now.
  • Also, Mars enters Libra only about 6 hours before the Moon goes full (at 5:31a PDT).  This is an interesting shift because it encourages us to take actions in regard to the relationships and partnerships in our lives.  To have this influence happening just hours before the Full Moon definitely indicates a focus shift – once you recognize the changes you want to make within yourself, you then take the necessary actions to make changes outside of yourself.

A transformation of your emotional support structure is at hand.  Embrace the opportunity to feel your emotions, recognize your inner Truth, make choices, and take actions to make sure you have the support structure in place to become all you want to and strive to be in your life.


Make the most of this Full Moon in Capricorn cycle.  It is bound to be profound!

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…


~ Light, Love and Blessings,


Mercury in Leo – Attention, Please

Mercury enters Leo at 7:24p PDT on June 25th, and with it comes a procession of dramatic and attention-getting ideas, thoughts, and communications.

Leo is about shining one’s Light brightly for all to see and bringing attention to oneself…in good and/or not-so-good ways.  It is the spotlight that shines the Light of Truth on whatever is brought ‘center stage’.  However, that spotlight also shines on whatever makes the biggest spectacle of itself while trying to get itself to ‘center stage’…and sometimes even shines on what makes a spectacle of itself while trying hard to avoid becoming the center of attention.

Mercury is about ideas, thoughts, communications, and things happening quickly or at a very fast pace…sometimes maybe too many things at once, and sometimes maybe too fast to keep up.  Yet sometimes, the quickened pace is the perfect pace for things that have long been stagnant to finally get moving.  For those of you who have felt like things have not been going anywhere for a while, hold on to your hats.  This may be just the jump start you’ve been waiting for.

Together, Leo and Mercury can bring rather dramatic methods of making thoughts and ideas known.  Not much is hidden during a Mercury in Leo period.  Whatever you say or share with others, be aware that it will be shining its Light of Truth for all to see.  You will be revealing who you really are and what you are really committed to to others through what you communicate during this period, even if it’s not your intention.  There’s a whole lot of info about to come out of the darkness and into the Light.


I don’t often discuss the numerological energies in the blog posts.  It’s something I’m striving to do more of, and since I think it’s pretty significant in this Mercury in Leo cycle so I wanted to shed some light upon its probable effects.

  • To start, adding to the Leoine theatrics, June 2012 is an 11/2 Universal month, meaning that there is a good chance that whatever is communicated – even if on a whim – will be communicated on a large scale or will be made known on a large scale (a.k.a. – via word of mouth or blatant gossip).  Be aware that in the last 5 days of June, 11/2 energy + Mercury in Leo = what you say will likely find legs and travel to ears or eyes well beyond your intended audience.  Hopefully, what you say will be thoughtful and intentional, and be inspiring rather than conspiring.  Otherwise, others may come to know of plans meant to be kept low-key, or may take your sarcasm or jokes a bit too seriously.
  • July 2012 is a 3 Universal month, meaning that communication and the exchange of information (especially the learning or absorbing of information) will be especially important this month.  Thoughts and ideas will likely come fast and furious during this time, and will not be low-key.  In fact, they will a bit larger-than-life and will probably take on a life of their own. 3 energy + Mercury in Leo = ideas, thoughts and communications that grow and expand.  Be attentive to what you are saying and what others around you are saying as well. You may learn something about them and about yourself in the process, especially on a personal and emotional level (with the Sun in Cancer until July 22nd).
  • August 2012 is a 4 Universal month.  Mercury in Leo can make a lasting impression during this time, and what you say can set your life’s course or direction for a long time to come.  4 is foundation-building energy, creating solid structures to build the future upon.  It seeks to secure and stabilize, and the communications now will be spoken to that purpose.  4 energy + Mercury in Leo = intentions and plans that solidify, and with the Sun also in Leo at this time, they may solidify in a big way.  Be aware that your communications during this time are likely the cornerstones of the future you are building – be mindful of what goes through your mind and of what comes out of your mouth, especially the latter.

A very special note for July and August: Mercury goes retrograde on July 14th, bringing an opportunity to go back and revisit communications already delivered or shared, to relearn lessons or revisit ideas that may have been missed or disregarded, and to double check steps already taken in order to finalize your plans.

Mercury Retrograde may also indicate second chances to communicate thoughts or ideas that you either did not share or were thwarted in communicating the first time around.  If you should have said it or wanted to say it before, the retrograde gives you another opportunity to say what you need to say before Mercury goes direct again on August 7th/8th.  Mercury Retrograde is a great time to be introspective, and it is wise to hold back new communications or from making new agreements until you are sure you know exactly what you want to say. With the 4 energy in August, once Mercury goes direct, whatever you communicate or agree in the last 21 days of the month will have some serious staying power.


Mercury exits Leo on August 31st, bringing the dramatic communications period to a close, and setting Mercury on its way to do more practical and purposeful things in the sign of Virgo.

However, don’t underestimate the power and purpose of Mercury in Leo.  It is meant to bring the Truth to Light, and it is apt to do so in significant and spectacular fashion.

Enjoy!  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Let’s Get Grounded!

I know that as some of you read this week’s post title, you’re thinking that we’re all about to be punished for something.  The word ‘grounded’ often evokes memories of sitting in one’s bedroom with nothing to do, locked in your room until your parent(s) say you can come out while your siblings and friends are all out having a great time.

It’s not really that kind of grounding.

Now some of you may experience it as a punishment of sorts.  However, that’s not really what is going on.  In fact, just the opposite is occurring.

This week, we had the Full Moon in Taurus opposite the Scorpio Sun on Thursday November 10th.  Since Taurus is an earth sign, this brought Light to the tangible reality of what has us feel most deeply emotional – our survival resource needs.  Usually, your deepest emotional responses are born of your most basic survival needs being met or unmet.  When you’re not having your food, shelter, money(or currency of choice), or sex in ways that are comfortable or desired by you, you are likely frustrated and upset.  And if you haven’t been facing or wanting to face the tangible reality of your life, then the Full Moon may have been a rough element for you this week.

We also had Mars enter the sign of Virgo on November 10th, which shifted the focus and intentions of our actions to the day-to-day maintenance of our lives.  You may find that your actions are more purposeful and intentional right now, making sure the everyday routine of your life is actually creating or establishing the life you want to live and have.  Virgo is also an earth sign, and is committed to having your everyday life be healthy, healing, practical, and productive for you  – whatever it takes to have your life “work” or function effectively and efficiently.

Because Taurus and Virgo are both earth signs, I see this last week as the beginning of an opportunity to be “grounded” – to become aware of the tangible aspects and practical realities of our lives.  It’s a great time to see how who you’ve been choosing to be produces certain results in your life.  “Grounding” gives you the opportunity to get real with yourself.  Yes, this is a good thing.

However, Mercury and Venus are both in Sagittarius right now.  This likely has your mind and thoughts focused on how you can experience freedom, joy, growth and expansion in all areas of your life – it’s definitely not a grounding energy, but an inspiring energy. With Sagittarius’ influence, your relationships with others may help you recognize what needs to be handled or dealt within the practical and tangible reality of your life for the freedom and joy you desire to be established. It can inspire you into practical and productive action.

Combining the explorer’s energy of Sagittarius with the tangible and practical energies of Taurus and Virgo, it’s like a big “you are here” button on the journey of your life.  This period in time is giving you and all of us a chance to see what we’ve got and what we want to do about it to be free or to experience joy and freedom in our lives.  The Scorpio Sun is making sure you are experiencing the emotional impact of your current circumstances and choices.  Awakening to and feeling the emotional impact of your everyday actions and thoughts may be just the thing you need to begin taking action to refocus yourself on the life you really want to be living…if you’re not already living it.

If you are someone who is loving the life you are living, this may be the opportunity for you to assist others in grounding and focusing their energies.  You can share with them what had you get focused and channel your thoughts and energies into establishing the life you are living.  Use this opportunity to teach and heal others, to share your joy. It may not be easy to do – some people won’t be open to hearing what you have to say.  Recognize these people as being unwilling to grow or expand.  Then move on to those who really do want to experience a transformation of their lives and who will receive the wisdom you have to offer to them.

Enjoy the shift available to you this week!  And please feel free to share your experiences with me by commenting on the blog post.  I’ll be happy to open up a dialogue with you and others…and look forward to it.


Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next week…


~ Light, Love and Blessings,



Full Moon in Pisces/Virgo – Your Extraordinary Ordinary

At 2:26a PDT on Monday, September 12, the Moon is Full in the sign of Pisces.  With the Full Moon in Pisces opposite the Sun in Virgo, this is a time in which you awaken to the full emotional impact of your daily practices and activities.  You can realize the influence of your emotions, beliefs, choices, and behaviors.  You can come into awareness of how your everyday and ordinary can be powerfully extraordinary.

Your emotions are most often at the root of the choices in your life.  They are also the result of choices we make in your life.  There’s definitely a “which came first – the chicken or the egg?” principle at play here as you make choices to which you have an emotional response or reaction which may affect your next choice(s) at hand which, in turn, create(s) more emotional response.

The two points to be made are…

  • The things that you do to have your life work each and every day actually have an emotional impact.
  • Your emotions can impact your choices about and behaviors in regard to the matters and circumstances of your everyday life.

We often fail to recognize that if we are don’t feel good about who, what, when, where, or how we choose to spend our time and energy on and with, we have choices we can make to change those aspects of our lives.  If we aren’t doing things in our lives that make our lives productive and practically functional, our emotional well-being can be compromised.

We may also find that when our emotional well-being is compromised or otherwise under duress, we are often less productive and practically functional.  We may feel less motivated to take on the work or to apply the effort or to make the choices we need to make to create the experience of our lives that we crave.

Either way, there is a direct correlation between how we feel and the choices we make in our lives.

Here are some examples:

  • A woman is so angry and upset about a matter that involves one of the children she has with her soon-to-be ex-husband that she publically posts a comment about it on Facebook which brings their recent marriage separation to light.  With his high-profile position in his profession and in their community, her comment now brings what was a private matter into the public eye.  Now they both have to deal with commentary and feedback and gossip from others that they may not have  had to deal with (yet) had she not felt the need to lash-out emotionally.
  • An employee speaks negatively of a client in a moment of frustration, only for word to get back to that client.  That client is so upset with what they hear, they choose to dissolve their business relationship with the company.  The business loses the account as result of one employee’s emotional vent.
  • A child overhears her parents arguing over a matter that involves her, but that is not directly about her.  However, she is so upset about what she hears, she decides to run away from home, blaming herself for their disagreement.  Her disappearance terrifies her parents who find her after a few hours, but are shocked when they hear their daughter say that she left because it she believed it was her fault that they fighting with each other.


Pisces is a water sign, and an emotional energy.  However, it is an emotional energy rooted in the principle of how we are all interconnected.  It is the sign of philanthropy, spiritual or moral-ethical practice(s), and recognition of self as an extension of All-That-Is.  The selflessness and compassion of Pisces is legendary in its healthy and positive expressions.  However, in its unhealthy and unbalanced expressions, Pisces can play the victim or martyr in day-to-day matters, claiming its “willing” sacrifice of self for the good of the greater whole.  Pisces energy is often where we experience regret, resentment and/or blame because we refuse to take ownership or responsibility of the choices we have made for our own lives or because we take responsibility or blame for others when it it not ours to take.

Virgo attends to the practical day-to-day of our lives.  It’s what we tend to choose for ourselves and our lives so they are functional and purposeful on a rather mundane and routine level. Virgo represents the systems we put in place to provide for our daily existence and physical wellness.

Virgo is the tangible and practical practice, or the practice of life from the inside-out, serving and practicing from what is needed to attend to our everyday needs – it is self-love. Pisces is the emotional and spiritual practice of life from the outside-in, serving and practicing from what is needed to make sure everyone’s needs are attended to – it is selfless love.

This parallel and paradox is what makes the Full Moon in Pisces opposite Sun in Virgo so fascinating – this questions of 1) whether or not you take responsibility for who you choose to be in your life (how you choose to love and serve yourself) and 2) whether or not you choose to hold others accountable and responsible for their choices and their lives (how you choose to love and serve others).

These are profound considerations because many of us often take for granted that our emotions, choices, and actions have an impact not only on us, but on those around us. In fact, our choices may have an impact on people and matters that we don’t even imagine would be affected by our behavior or expressions.  Whether or not we own up to the effects or results of those choices is paramount in this polarity, as our everyday lives and the lives of those around us can be forever altered in a single moment driven by emotion…and/or our emotional well-being can be forever affected by a single, seemingly unimportant choice in an everyday matter.  Many times, people refuse to acknowledge the power of their choices and/or emotions.   They deny or avoid the fact that their actions produce consequences, for better and worse.  Yet they often give away their power by taking the blame for matters when they don’t need to, or by trying to deflect blame onto others when something is clearly their choice or behavior to be accountable for.

These considerations are also profound because our choices and behaviors reflect the degree of love and service we have for ourselves and others.  The Virgo-Pisces axis is very much a matter of how we feel about and choose to serve ourselves, and as result, it is very telling in regard to how we really feel about and serve others around us.

You may find that you are very good about serving yourself, and not so great about being of service to others…or vice-versa.  Or you may find that being good to and feeling good about yourself frees you up to be good to others, or that not being good to or feeling good about yourself has you be not good to or not feel good about serving others.

So during these next couple of days, I invite you to be aware of how your choices may affect not only you, but those around you.  Recognize the impact of your emotions and choices on not only yourself, but the people around you.  In turn, recognize the impact of others’ emotions and choices on you.  Also recognize the reach of who you are and can be in the world simply by who you choose to be in your everyday activities and behaviors. Recognize how extraordinary your ordinary is.

Enjoy the week.  Until next time…

~ Light, Love and Blessings,


The Power of Choice and “The Great Awakening” of 2012

There’s been a lot of speculation about what the year of 2012 will bring. With it being the end of the Mayan calendar, there are people predicting all sorts of doomsday devastation and destruction, and perpetuating all sorts of fear-based thinking in doing so.

It doesn’t have to be chaos and destruction. And even if it is, it doesn’t have to be at the hand of humanity.

What tends to be missed in this equation is the power of choice that we as humans have over what occurs in this time of awakening.

2012 will be a 5 Universal Year numerologically speaking. 5 is an energy of variety and change. It is adaptable and freedom-loving. It doesn’t like routine and avoids the status-quo of pretty much anything. It’s also very strong mental-intellectual energy, and will often act upon its thoughts more than any other numeric energy.

It is my belief that 2012 will bring humanity’s ‘Great Awakening’ – an opportunity for each and all of us to step fully into our unique individual expressions and to express our unique roles in the greater whole in doing so, step into True power rooted in Light and Love. We have an opportunity to see how we have the power to choose the course of our individual lives, and in doing so, how each of us together can choose the course of humanity and the world.

The shift will be primarily in our minds. It is a shift in our thinking, our perceiving, in our consciousness. I have discussed in past blog posts how our thoughts and beliefs influence our actions and behaviors. This is why…

Humanity has choice in the matter of how much of this energy manifests! We DO have say in the matter of this transition!

Even if there are natural occurrences such as floods or earthquakes or massive storms or pole shifts, we will still have say in how we choose to respond to those scenarios. Whether we choose to respond with collaboration and collective compassion, or we choose to steal and hurt each other to take advantage of a challenging situation, WE have say in how it goes.

WE have say in whether or not we choose to act out of our religious beliefs that one group of people must be eliminated or saved.

WE have say in whether or not we choose to act out of our political beliefs that one group of people must be overthrown or  must be brought into power.

WE have say in whether or not we go to war with other countries to fight over territories and natural resources.

WE have say in whether or not we inflict pain or blame or love and forgiveness onto others to express what we ultimately feel inside about ourselves.

It’s easy for many of us to say that it’s other people who think and do this kind of thing. Yet it really is something we each and all get to take ownership for. Even if we may not be doing it directly, we are allowing it by not choosing to stand in our Light and present another option to the world, by not choosing to stand up for something different. By choosing to play victim to the darkness of others, we choose to allow that darkness to have power. By choosing to remain in our darkness and denial, we are not contributing our unique expressions of Light into the world.


In owning and expressing our Light, WE allow ourselves to have say in what humanity and the world is becoming!!!

In owning and expressing your Light, YOU allow yourself to have say in what humanity and the world is becoming!!!


The planetary bodies that are in retrograde right now are mostly “outer planet” influences. The outer planetary bodies have a slower rotation around the Sun, so they tend to be considered as generational, cultural, and global influences with zodiac cycles ranging from 84 to 248 years. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are the three most outwardly placed planetary influences, and they are all retrograde right now along with Chiron and Mercury. But it’s those first three – the big three – that hold a great deal of weight right now.

  • Uranus takes 84 years to complete its journey through the zodiac. Currently, Uranus is in Aries until 2019, encouraging us to look at our individual selves. Who are we each being – who are YOU being – for the whole of humanity? How are your actions affecting others? Do you realize the power you have in who you choose to be and the actions you choose to take?
  • Pluto takes 248 years to move through the full zodiac. Pluto is currently in Capricorn until 2024, encouraging us to look at the results we’ve been getting (or not getting). Are we happy with what we’ve accomplished in the world since 1822 when Pluto last entered Aries? And what are we committed to accomplishing between now and 2068 when Pluto enters Aries again?
  • Neptune takes 165 years to go through the zodiac cycle. I mention this one last of the three because it is the last of the three to change signs as 2012 really kicks in. Neptune recently moved back into Aquarius after briefly visiting Pisces. It goes back into Pisces in February 2012 and will be there until 2026. But for now, Neptune in Aquarius is asking us to look at how are we working together for the collective whole of humanity. Are we working together? Are we collaborating and celebrating each person’s contribution to the greater whole?

When we consider those questions in the context of each of us and all of us having choice in the matter of the course of humanity, we may understand why these questions being asked of us by these planetary influences are so profound.

That is why this retrograde period is so important! This is your chance to look at what you think, what you believe, what you are motivated by, what you are inspired by. In the face of the shift that is occurring for the greater whole, YOU get to assess YOUR place in the greater whole.

  • What do you have to offer to humanity?
  • What do you have to contribute to humanity?
  • What do you stand for as part of humanity and as part of All-That-Is?

This is YOUR chance to discover who you are, where you stand and how you may choose to move through what is to come.

The most important question of these next few months may be…how are you choosing to express your thoughts and beliefs in the world?

There is no right or wrong. There is only what is. Now’s the time for you to get clear about what is for YOU.

Think for yourself. Think for your unique expression of Light. Think for your life, and the lives of all around you.

You have a choice. We each have a choice. We all have choices to make together.

Do we embrace the questions being asked of us and seek the answers to progress and evolve the human race – choosing to go with the flow of life as the only constant in life is change – or do we resist the questions and the answers to them and try to keep humanity in its status quo while the Universe demands change around us?

To awaken to the Light or to remain in the darkness? The choice is ours.


Until next week…
~Light, Love and Blessings,


The Development of Self-Love – Part Two

To recap last Sunday’s blog post, self-love is the foundation of truly loving relationships with everyone and everything in our lives.  Without love for ourselves, we aren’t able to discern or distinguish what love is in our interactions with others or with the things or activities that are important to us in our lives.  Self-love is granting ourselves permission to be who we are truly and fully.  The Sun is still moving through Cancer is still important. And that heart’s desire energy of Cancer + Taurus takes on a new twist as you may discover that you are now beginning to find your voice for communicating your desires in many areas of your life as Mercury has moved into Leo. Through our communications of all kinds, we reveal where we are in our development of self-love.

When it comes to assessing where we stand in the development of  our own self-love, we may find a great deal of value in looking at the current cycles of societal Uranus in Aries and the generational Neptune in Pisces.

If we remember back to Aries energy, we are reminded that it is initiative energy – active and assertive. It starts things, and usually leads what it starts by the simple fact that it is the first one to take the step forward or take action. It’s not a follower – it’s a pioneer. Yet in its enthusiasm to be the one to start, it may be alone in taking that first step.

With Uranus in Aries, it’s a Universal nudge to take your first step(s) out of your comfort zone and into the risk of the unknown to find yourself in ways you never have before.  These nudges come in very subtle moments, or they come in bold, sudden and/or surprising events.  Either way, the guidance of Uranus in Aries leads you to opportunities to choose, declare, create, and manifest the life of your heart’s desires…if you choose to heed the guidance being given to you.

The possibility to discover and/or embrace our unique roles and contributions to the world is stronger than ever right now.  And even though Uranus is a collective energy, we aren’t becoming aware of said roles and contributions in a collective way.  Instead, we are becoming aware of them in very personal and individual ways.

I’m a bit in awe over how many people in my life (including myself) are making major life changes right now – changing jobs or careers, long-time relationships ending and/or beginning, relocating/moving.  The shifts are amazing!  What is even more interesting to me is how some of these changes have been intended and planned, yet many of these shifts seem to be unexpected or unpredicted.

Quite a few of us seem to be surprised by the events of our lives right now – we didn’t see certain shifts coming, or we chose to be in denial about all of the signs being given to us.  There are even some of us who thought we would get away with certain behaviors we knew weren’t in our best interests yet carried on anyway and are now “getting caught”.  Now seems to be a time of “seeing the light” or “being exposed by the light”.

As relationships of all kinds end and begin, as workplaces and careers change and evolve or are left behind, you may awaken to who you are choosing to be and what you are choosing to bring into or release from your life.  If your communications and actions are in are in alignment with those choices, things will move forward smoothly and effortlessly.

This Uranus in Aries energy will be with us until May 2018, giving us ample time and opportunity to make significant changes to our individual and collective life course(s)…if we choose to.

With Neptune in Pisces, we are highly aware of our roles in All-That-Is and our interconnection with everyone and everything.  We are in acceptance of this Oneness, or we are deeply in denial of it.  This interconnection is more than the common thread of humanity.  It is an awareness of how each and all of us are connected to each other and everything around us – energetically, emotionally, and spiritually.

This Oneness may sometimes surprise you and even upset you as the more aware of it you become, the more it demands you to live into the fullest expression of your unique self.  You are a one-of-a-kind piece of the puzzle – an essential part of the whole picture of All-That-Is.  And because we are each and all striving for love and connection, you may find that you are upset or angry when you cannot truly connect with others.  Yet how can you connect with others if you haven’t connected with yourself?  It’s difficult to connect with others if you aren’t aware of what you individually have within you to share outwardly with others or if you are resisting or denying your inner truth and your true soul identity.  You simply cannot connect with others while denying, avoiding or suppressing the truth of your very existence.

If you have gained clarity and confidence in who you are and what you have to offer as part of the greater whole, this Neptune cycle is likely to be a fairly easy one as you will allow yourself to collaborate with others in a healthy flow of energetic and emotional consciousness and interdependence.

However, if you have not gotten clear about who you are and what you have to offer as part of the greater whole, this may a time of great emotional distress for you.  You may find yourself playing victim to others and/or your circumstances, or you may find yourself engaging in escapist or delusional behaviors to avoid facing or fulfilling your unique role in All-That-Is.

The fact that Neptune is moving retrograde in Pisces right now gives us a brief taste of this transcendent awareness and the possibility (or idealism) of our spiritual and emotional Oneness that comes with it.  Neptune will move back into Aquarius come August, bringing us back into a more human and intellectual experience of Oneness.  That intellectual human awareness and idealism of Aquarius will be around until February 2012 when that Pisces awareness and possibility comes back to plant roots until 2026.

But for now, these Uranus in Aries and Neptune in Pisces energies combine to encourage each of us to take our first steps in to our true identities and into loving ourselves as those identities.  After all, why choose to be a follower of others when you could be choosing to be the leader for yourself?  How can you possibly embrace, accept and be at peace with your place and your role in the world if you don’t allow yourself to find and be the proud owner of your unique expression first?

Take actions to create the life you want to have, empowering yourself to choose what is in alignment with your deepest truth.  Stop reacting to the circumstances of your life in ways that has you creating a life that has you be subject to the power of others…and start choosing what is in alignment with the truth of who you are – the truth of your soul.

Whether by conscious choice or by force of circumstance, we are now being encouraged to take steps in our development of self-love.  As we each learn and increase our capacity to love and trust ourselves, we individually and collectively begin to live and share a new experience of our lives in a new world created by Love.

Until later this week when I post about the Full Moon…

~ Light, Love and Blessings,
