Full Moon in Libra – Through Them, Back To You

The Moon was in its maximum full phase at 2:28a PDT earlier today, March 27th, 2013 in the sign of Libra.

Libra is the sign of partnerships and one-on-one relationships of all kinds.  It also addresses fairness, justice, and beauty.  It is an air element sign, so it usually emotionally detached in its assessments, which is why having the Full Moon in this sign is always an interesting occurrence.

With the Moon being our emotional core (in this case, on a collective level), there is a tendency to process our emotions through our minds when the Full Moon is in an air sign.  In this case, the filter of Libra may find us asking questions about all areas of our lives where interactions with others take place.  Questions such as:

Is this fair?  Is this just? Is this equal?  Is this balanced? Is this beautiful?

If the answer to any of those questions is ‘no’, then it is likely our emotions will be heavily invested in our efforts to “right the wrongs” that we perceive.

Full Moons are always reflecting the light of the Sun. So of course, when the Full Moon is in Libra, that means the Sun is in AriesAries Sun means that the Light or the central focus is on the self.  Aries is an initiative energy, a starting energy, leading the charge.  It is also often “all about me” or “me first”.

This isn’t to say that all Aries Sun people are selfish or self-centered.  It is to say that during an Aries Sun cycle, we all tend to look more closely at ourselves and to assess if we are getting what we individually want or need in our lives.  During the Full Moon in Libra, that look is often focused on who we ourselves are being in our one-on-one relationships and partnerships of all kinds.

This Full Moon is only enhanced by the fact that the planet that rules Libra, Venus in Aries right now.  This brings us into a dual-purpose process of assessing who we are in our relationships and assessing how our relationships serve our individual needs and wants.

Though similar, the notable difference between Venus in Aries and this Full Moon in Libra is that under Venus in Aries alone, we are looking at “what’s in it for us”.  But while Venus is awakening us to how the partnership serves us, the Full Moon brings our attention to “what’s in me for them?” or “who am I for them?”  Under Full Moon in Libra, we could learn a great deal about ourselves through how we are reflected back on ourselves through our partnerships, and possibly even through our partners themselves.

We get to see who we are being in our partnerships and for our partners, and in doing so, we awaken to previously unrevealed truths about ourselves that help us better understand our roles in our one-on-one relationships.

It is at times like these when we realize that maybe that imbalance or injustice in the relationship has a lot to do with who we ourselves are being, and when we realize that the righting of the wrongs may lie in our own hands.  This Full Moon in Libra, more than any other Full Moon, is a wonderful reminder that there are two sides to every story, so you may also recognize that there may be two sides to you in your relationships. Ask yourself:

  • If I present myself in two different ways in and/or outside of my relationship(s), why?
  • If I were my true self with my partner(s), what might happen?
  • What would I do or say differently if the injustice or imbalance in one of my partnerships was due to who I choose to be or what I choose to do in the relationship – if it were my fault?
  • Now that I know who I am for my partner, do I want to be in that role?
  • Now that I know who my partner is for me, do I want them to be in that role?

Make the most of this exploration of who you are in the one-on-one relationships in all areas of your life through this Full Moon in Libra phase.  The effects of the Full Moon are always felt for about 1-2 days before and after the maximum phase, even after the Moon changes sign.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,
