Sun in Cancer Square Uranus in Aries – Running In Circles

Uranus is often about communities and groups and individuals making their unique contributions to the greater collective whole.  Yet with Uranus currently traveling in the sign of Aries, the energy of this planet shifts onto how you express your unique self and take action on your own behalf within the groups, teams, communities, associations, etc. – the social and societal circles you participate in.

During this square transit of Uranus in Aries with the Cancer Sun (exact at 11:22p PDT on Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013),  there is the opportunity for you to notice how well you have been nurturing and protecting your individuality within your social circles.  This is a prime opportunity for you to pay attention to how well the groups you choose to affiliate yourself with nurture, support, care for, or protect your inner Truth and your best self-interests.

Sometimes, you may find yourself spending time among people who aren’t supportive of who you truly are or what you are truly committed to having or accomplishing in your life.  This may be because you feel like you owe it to them to maintain your association with them for some reason –  you may have been friends with them since grade school, or have been through some very celebratory or challenging times together, or the like.

You may have a great deal of affinity and/or gratitude for their presence in your life in and through those times, yet you may also notice that now they drain your energy, seem to have a knack for tearing you down just when you’re feeling good about the direction your life, or that they may hold you back in some other way through their behaviors or attitudes toward you when you take steps to move yourself forward in your life.

Often, this type of thing happens not so much because you’re succeeding, but because your success or your movement toward it awakens in them to the fact that they aren’t living their individual truth or doing anything to move themselves forward on their journey.  Misery loves company, and they may be pushing you to stay with them rather than to make your own way which may result in your “leaving them behind”.

On the flip side, you may find that you are among people who are very eager to assist you in your individual progress.  The challenge here is that you may feel obligated to bring these people up and/or along with you, even if they aren’t the people you need to continue your journey.  This Sun-Uranus square transit may be an opportunity for you to recognize that some of the people who want to help you and that you’re determined to carry with you may not be ready for the steps you are taking.  They simply may not be the right people to assist you in moving further forward or upward.  Again but differently, your own fear of letting go of your past supporters may be keeping you from being all that you truly and uniquely are.

Either way, the key during this Sun-Uranus square is to recognize that you are ultimately an individual.  This isn’t to say you need to rebel from your communities or associations altogether.  It is, however, to say that you may want to consider running from the affiliations that no longer or possibly never really have nurtured your unique individuality well.  That may be the truth the Sun’s Light reveals to you during this square.

This Sun in Cancer -Uranus in Aries square can be a challenge, but also an opportunity for you to get clear about who you are choosing to be in the world as an individual expression of Divine Light, and to look at if your social circles support and encourage who you are nurturing yourself to be or become.  If the people you’re spending time with aren’t in alignment with your living into your unique expression of Light, of if you feel that you have to protect yourself in some way from the people you consider friends or associates, you may want to take pause to consider what you may need to do in order to nurture and protect your journey.  You may find that you just need to seek out some new circles to run with.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Venus in Aquarius – The Company You Keep

Venus entered the sign of Aquarius yesterday at 6:57p PST.  With this transition, the focus of our one-on-one relationships and partnerships now shifts from goals and intentions to our associations and affiliations – our group and community participations.

This is a very interesting and powerful shift because you may experience this Venus in Aquarius energy in one of two ways:

1)       Your public groups, associations, and/or social circles (friends) may prove to have a great deal of influence on your one-on-one relationships or partnerships.

You may find that you seek the counsel of your friends or associates when it comes to dealing with your partnership matters, or you may notice that you allow your friends or associates within your social and/or professional circles to have a lot of say in regard to your partners of all kinds.

You may also become aware of how much you need a partner who gets along with your friends, and that partners who try to take you into new social circles or new social activities present great challenges for you – challenges that you don’t want to overcome or work out.  In other words, having to change your social patterns or routines is a deal-breaker for you.


2)       Your partners could have a lot of say in your social circles and public affiliations you are part of, influencing your participation in these groups.

During Venus in Aquarius, you may find your social activities and affiliations, or even your circle of friends changing significantly due to the influence you allow your partner to have over these aspects of your life.  You may start spending less time within your own circles and more time with your partner’s friends and associates, or you may even disappear from your old social scene altogether to adapt an entirely new lifestyle.


You may find that your partner is just that important to you, and if your long-time friends and associates don’t understand or support your partnership choice, then that is your deal-breaker with them.  You are willing to make the lifestyle changes necessary to be in partnership with this other person.

Now remember – Venus in Aquarius  affects partnerships of all kinds, not just romantic.  Business partnerships, platonic friendships, family relationships, etc – any connection that involves two people is affected by this influence.  And in Aquarius, your social and public circles are also powerfully affected.

And the bottom line is that during Venus in Aquarius, we are all assessing our partnerships and one-on-one relationships in the context of our social and public lifestyles, groups, and affiliations.  Some of us will allow the partnerships to dictate our course, while others will allow the groups we associate with to do so.

Either way, THE one thing you need to remember through it all is…who do YOU want to be?

Who you want to be in your life is key because with us being under the influence of the Aquarius Sun for another 16 days, it is extremely important to acknowledge your individual self and who you are called to uniquely be in this world.  Without your individual and unique role being fulfilled, we all miss an important piece of our own personal and human evolution.

As you look at your partnerships and your associates and friends under the influence of Venus in Aquarius, ask yourself:

  • Who is giving you the most inspiration and illumination about who you are?
  • Who is supporting and encouraging you when you want to follow your passion or when you want to heed the call of your inner truth?
  • Who accepts you as you are, without trying to make you someone you’re not or someone you don’t really want to be?
  • Who intrigues you in a way that makes everyday exciting or unusual in a positive way for you?
  • Who empowers you or inspires you to be a better person in and/or for the world?

These questions can help you sort out for yourself the relationships you need to keep and the relationships that may have run their course.  Therefore, under Venus in Aquarius, there may be many unions and reunions as well as breakups and endings.

The thing to remember through it all is that Venus in Aquarius reminds you that your relationships of all kinds are intended to help you individually learn, grow, develop, and shine your individual expression Light in the world.  They are teachers for you, and in turn, you are a teacher for others when you embrace your role fully.  Therefore, the company you keep during your journey helps you or holds you back in becoming who you are meant to be.

That said, look at all of your relationships with your True individual expression in mind, and choose what most empowers and inspires you to be yourself.

This influence will be present through February 25th, and you and all of the people in your life will be better for your choices made during this 2013 Venus in Aquarius period.


Thank you for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Full Moon in Leo – YOUR Light Coming to Light

The Full Moon occurs in the sign of Leo on Tuesday, February 7th at 1:54p PST.

If things sought after or inquired about haven’t fully come to Light before now, they are likely to come into your full awareness around this time.  The answers to your questions are coming.

Now when I say “things” and “answers”, it’s likely to be details and answers about who you are for others around you and where you fit within your group associations, teams, colleagues, etc.  What is coming to Light is YOUR LIGHT – the revelation and acknowledgement of your unique individual contribution to the greater whole.

Now this may not be a MAJOR event. It could be a little something, like…

  • A co-worker stating how much you make a difference for them in your workplace
  • A family member making a comment about how you are the glue that holds your family together
  • A fellow member of your rec team mentioning how you are such a positive and motivating force for the team
  • A promotion in your current workplace or maybe even being given an award of some sort in your workplace

And keep in mind – it doesn’t have to be a big event to have a big impact on your perception of yourself and to encourage you to shine and share your Light more fully with the rest of humanity.  It just has to make you aware of how important you and your life purpose is.

Though the Full Moon is in the sign of Leo, the Sun (the Light illuminating the Full Moon) is currently in Aquarius…and Aquarius is always full of surprises.  Of course, if you’ve been paying attention over the last couple of weeks, chances are you’ve been given some signs – some small bits of information along on the road to this Full Moon.   If anything ‘big’ is going to happen or be revealed in the next few days, you probably have a sense of what it may be already.  It probably won’t come as a total surprise unless you’ve been in major denial about what the little things coming to Light so far have been trying to tell you.

However it comes forth – big or small – it will be significant moving forward from here. The information that comes forth is important in helping you distinguish who you are being and who you are becoming for yourself and others.  It is helping you to define and develop your life purpose and your role in this lifetime.

Embrace all that is revealed to you through this Full Moon in Leo.  Be open to discovering how you shine for people.  Be proud of who you are for people.  And if you find that you aren’t proud of who you are, use what is revealed to you in this period to give you clarity and guidance about what you can transform about yourself and your life.

Thanks for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~Light, Love and Blessings,


Alignment from Within

New Moon in Aquarius this week (Wednesday, February 2nd @ 6:31p PST – also marking the Lunar/Chinese New Year) brings forth the beginning of new associations and affiliations and/or new perspectives of the ones we’ve had. This new moon day is also an universal ‘8’ day, so these new and shifting relationships are likely to hold powerful potential for contribution to the manifestation of our true goals and ambitions.

Many of us have been experiencing a strange tension in the last 2-3 weeks – an anxious energy that seems to be present underneath everything going on and seems to be building toward some sort of epiphany. It’s like we’ve been gradually awakening to the truths within ourselves, and as part of the process, we are being confronted with questions about how our actions and associations reflect (or don’t reflect) those truths. With the upcoming New Moon in Aquarius bringing us into hyper-awareness of our places in the world, Mercury currently in Capricorn keeping our minds on our goals and intentions, and Venus still in Sagittarius keeping us conscious of truth in our hearts, we may experience some interesting moments of clarity this week regarding what we are really up to and if our associations are actually supporting or detracting from those objectives. These questions will likely continue for about another month or so, asking us to look at ourselves and our lives to recognize how we can best claim our collective and individual-personal powers and live into our inner truths. During this time, we will either find ourselves either accepting or resisting the answers that ring true in our hearts.

Many people feel powerless in their ability to live into their inner truths because they are waiting for others to tell them what those truths are (a.k.a. – waiting for others to do the work for them), or they are waiting for others to validate them (as if that will make them really true). There is no real ownership of those truths because they are not coming from within, and therefore, there is no value or worth to the good that may come from them because there is no true alignment with them. Those people resist the good that comes to them in their lives because deep down, they know the rewards don’t belong to them – they didn’t do the work for it. However, if and when they are willing to face their inner truths, and once they choose to do the work themselves to honor and express those truths, that is when they can genuinely embrace the love, power, and prosperity that comes into their lives. That is when they can experience the power of love which comes through both giving and sharing their inner truths with others and receiving from others as those others share their inner truths.

It all comes down to is this: establishing alignment from within. In this universal ‘4’ year of setting up a solid foundation for what we are creating our world to be, it is very important to make sure that everything we are putting into place in our lives empowers and supports us in what we are committed to building. It is also important that we are choosing to associate with people and be involved in activities which further our progress and development and truly support us in building our structures for success in what is important to us. A major part of this process is recognizing who and what contributes to your capacity to be and do what you say you are committed to being and doing.

I invite you to ask yourself these questions this week:

  • Are you doing (or starting to do) what you said you would be doing, or are you just talking about it and not actually getting anything done?
  • Are the people around you holding you accountable for what you said you would do (and are you allowing them the space to do that), or are they letting you off the hook for not doing anything to get it done?
  • Are you depending on others to hold you accountable to get done what you said you’d get done, or are you holding yourself accountable and getting it done because it’s truly important to you?
  • Are the activities you are participating in moving you closer or taking you away from doing what you said you would do?
  • And most important, is what you say you are doing and is what you are doing really what you want to be doing – does it ring true for you? (And if not, then why are you doing it?)

Consider your answers to these questions, and from your answers, consider that a shift in alignment may be due for you. If you aren’t already doing so, I ask you to engage in this inquiry this week and see what happens when you begin to do what you say you want to and will do. Enjoy the adventure of the process! I’d love to hear what you find! Please comment or send me messages to let me know.

Until next week…

~ Light, Love, and blessings,


Admin note: Special thanks to my friends Lisa (for the hought-provoking conversation) and and Nathaniel (for your thoughtful FB post) that got me thinking and contributed to the writing of this post today. I love you both!