All We Need Is…

The idealistic notion of Valentine’s Day is turned on its side a bit this year. There’s likely to be a very romantic energy this week, with the Aquarius Sun gradually moving into a conjunction aspect with Neptune also in Aquarius (within 3° orb on Monday, exact on Thursday at 1:58a) – romantic idealism is definitely in the air. However, both the Sun and Neptune joining forces in the sign of Aquarius means this isn’t so much about one-on-one romance. In fact, now, more than ever, this is about the idealism and romanticism of the human condition and our idealistic notions of society and humanity at large. Now that much of the political combustion of the last few weeks is beginning to reveal its progress and effects, the revolutionary ideals that sparked the flames now have space to be implemented. The question becomes…exactly how do we go about bringing these ideals into reality? There maybe even a bit “why the heck did we do all of this in the first place?”. These questions may be the major presence in our thoughts this week as we begin to distinguish the after effects of what has been happening over these last few months, especially in the emotional and political renewal of the last couple of weeks.

The Full Moon in Leo brings up questions on a personal level as well. The Full Moon is always reflecting the light of the Sun, making it a mirror of the sign energy of the Sun. In this case, the Leo Full Moon is reflecting the light of the Aquarius Sun. Leo energy on its own merit is always about your radiating your light for others to see, but when it is reflecting Aquarius energy, the questions are rooted in what the motivation or reason is for radiating your light:

  • Are you being yourself, or are you being who you think you need to be to have others like or love you?
  • Are you trying to look good for others?
  • Are you really shining your light for your personal fulfillment and everyone’s benefit, or are you shining it to fill your own emotional need for attention and acknowledgment and for your own ego-based satisfaction?

Let me clarify. It is not my intention to say that wanting attention or acknowledgment is a bad or wrong thing to want. I am saying that most of us have a tendency to present ourselves as wanting something for everyone, when we really want it for ourselves. When the Aquarius-Leo axis is at its worst, we are demanding attention and acknowledgment from others and willing to do whatever it takes to get it or we are refusing to shine our light claiming to be doing what is best for everyone else involved (or maybe even thinking we are avoiding getting everyone else involved by repressing our light) – it is ego-driven.

However, when the Aquarius-Leo axis is at its best, each person recognizes their unique contribution to humanity and shines their light to share it with others. In doing so, each person recognizes and is recognized for their one-of-a-kind contribution to the greater whole – it is love-driven, selfless while allowing also the self to be expressed. The acknowledgment is symbiotic and essentially so – each person acknowledges that they have something to offer to humanity and in offering it they acknowledge humanity. In turn, having that expression being received and implemented by the whole of humanity acknowledges and encourages that person’s contribution to it. In this Aquarius-Leo polarity, we each and all have an opportunity to look at what we’re really up to in shining and sharing our light, both individually and collectively to increase our awareness of what we are capable of being in and for the world.

Speaking collectively, as we project those personal questions onto the greater whole of humanity…are we now setting up our new world order to be who we really are, or to be who we think we ought to be at this stage in humanity’s evolution? What is our collective motivation – are we doing what we are doing for the greater good of all, or for the benefit of who we want others to see us to be?

Herein lies the irony of Valentine’s Day. We have this day that we have made about the expression of the ideal of love and romance through gifts and physical affection. Yet if we look at the astrology of it, its timing in the sign of Aquarius each year advances the Sun’s entrance into the epitome of romantic idealism – the sign of Pisces – the following week, initiating our transition into a larger inquiry of what true love really is. And as we choose to place our focus and energy on tangible and physical expressions of  love tomorrow, as the week continues we may find ourselves asking…

…exactly what is love, anyway?

 Just a (not so) little something to think about. Until next week…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,
