The Life By Soul “Weekly Forecast” – 11-17 May 2015

It’s a big week. Let’s get to it!

The light of the Taurus Sun reveals your emotional-spiritual wounds through its sextile with Chiron in Pisces at 10:43a PDT on Monday 11th May. These revelations occur as you become tangibly present to your current your lifestyle and the state of your resources that enable it. What you learn at this time may help you understand how your emotional-spiritual wounds are driving your lifestyle choices, and how healing those wounds may be what is needed for you to move beyond familiar pain in order to transform your life for the better. The 11th is a 6 numerological day, so you are likely to become more present to what you really need in order for your everyday life to function the way you want it to. Keep in mind – it may be emotional, not physical.

About 9 hours later, Mars enters Gemini at 7:40p PDT on Monday 11th May, and this is likely to add a sense of urgency to your actions. Of course, it may also add some intellectual clarity to your progress as well…if you’re willing to pay attention to the messages that are coming to you. This is especially the case once Mercury in Gemini goes into retrograde motion on 18th May until 11th June – you’ll be getting a great deal of feedback from the people and events around you in regard to your actions…as long as you’re willing to open you mind, eyes, and ears to truly receive that feedback. Continue reading

A Powerful Trio: The Cardinal T-Square, The Boomerang, & the Golden Rectangle of 14th January 2015

There are three major astrological configurations that are at their most exact tomorrow, Wednesday 14th February 2015 – a Nodal Cardinal T-Square, a Boomerang, and a Golden Rectangle.  These configurations literally converge to make for a potentially challenging, impactful, and rewarding day and week.

What’s great about these three configurations all hitting their peak at approximately the same time is that there will be a great deal of clarity that emerges from the events of the week if not the day.  Agendas will be revealed, actions will return results, and answers to questions will emerge.

The 14th January 2015 will not be a day to take lightly.  This isn’t to say that it will be a “bad” day – it may have some significant positive effect in the long run.  Yet, it has the potential to transform matters in a very powerful way.   In fact, having a day like this so early in the new calendar year may prove to be a profound day that may set the tone for many months if not many years to come.

Let’s review each of these configurations one at a time to understand their possible effects on each and all of us. Continue reading