Venus Enters Cancer – June 2013 – Protecting Your Interests

At 7:13p PDT this evening, Sunday, June 2nd, 2013, Venus entered Cancer, moving the focus in our partnerships and one-on-one relationships of all kinds from a focus on communication to focus on nurturing and protecting.

If the lines of communication were indeed open and active in your partnerships during Venus in Gemini, then there may be wonderful clarity within your relationships.  Each person involved will feel that they know where they stand, or at least have a sense of clarity within themselves that they know where the partnership stands.  You may have even created a new phase of your relationship.  However, if the lines of communication were not open or well-used before now, this Venus in Cancer phase could be a very interesting few weeks.

Cancer is what I like to call “the mommy sign” – it is a strong maternal energy.  Even in men with a prominent Cancer sign influence in their charts, there is a caring, nurturing, and especially protective quality that is expressed.  When things are going well, Cancer has no problem playing the soft, caring parent.  But when things are challenging or threatening, Cancer will withdraw into its shell and bring anyone it cares about into its shell with it.  It is determined to protect what it loves and cares about, and will do so fervently.  Like its emblem “the crab”, Cancer will pinch its threats with its large pincher claws if necessary, and is happy to draw blood if that’s what it takes to protect its relational interests.

Yet if those interests were not made clear while Venus traveled through Gemini, it may be difficult for you during Venus in Cancer to know exactly what it is that you’re protecting or why you are even protecting it.  After all, when you aren’t clear about where your partnership stands, it’s tough to know what you’re supposed to be taking care of within it.

Fortunately, the Sun, Mars and Jupiter are still in Gemini so they may be able to help you do some retroactive clarification work on behalf of your relationships and partnerships.  But whether your communication work was done or not, The Universe continues shifting our focus to Venus in Cancer, and you now get to acknowledge your various relationships and their states of clarity by how much you do or don’t nurture them.

Cancer, in the natural order of the Zodiac, is the first water element sign.  Therefore, it is responsible for laying the emotional foundation for your relationships of all kinds.  For those of you who are clear about where you stand, you are in a wonderful position to advance your relationship(s) in ways that develop emotional connection and intimacy.

This is also why Cancer is associated with the mother, family in its entirety, and home as these are usually a child’s first emotional connections.  It is why when looking at your relationship patterns, you are often guided to look at your family and home dynamics and environments as a starting point.  You look here because this is where your emotional roots were established.  They are also often the reason why your emotional beliefs and behaviors continue.

Keeping that in mind, Venus in Cancer is an opportunity for you to do a few things:

  • Look at how your relationships with your mother, your family, and your home environment affect you in relationships.  What beliefs or thought patterns do you see are directly correlated with your upbringing and./or with your family and home dynamics now?
  • Look at how your non-family relationships or partnerships of all kinds affect your relationships with your family, your home, and/or specifically, your mother.  Do you keep clear boundaries drawn, or do you bring everyone you connect with at all “into the family”?
  • Look at who you are attracted to and how or why you are attracted to them.  Do you find yourself consistently attracted to women who remind you of your mother or an important maternal or feminine role model in your life, or do you purposely seek women who are absolutely nothing like her?
  • Look at how you may be like your mother or female role model in your relationships, or how you may consider her in assessing your partners.  Do you act like her and say or do things she would do?  Do you consider what her opinion would probably be based on your experiences with her, and do you look at your own partners through what you believe to be “your mother’s filter”?

These are important things to consider for no other reason than to help you recognize how your upbringing may have influenced who you choose to care for, love, and protect and how or why you protect them.  Venus in Cancer encourages you to give attention to how your emotional past may be making a huge impact on your partnerships of all kinds now – both personal and in business!

If you find that you have a challenging relationship pattern or patterns, start seeking ways you may be able to find assistance in releasing those old beliefs and patterns that may no longer serve you well.  Allow yourself to be vulnerable in working with others to find way to release relationship beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve you.

You may also want to refer to your own astrology chart.  By having a complete chart reading done, you may re-discover your own unique way of choosing partners and how you care for them, love them, and protect them – ways that are not the result of your family and home environment, but ways that are unique and specific to you alone.

And if your relationships are going smoothly and communication is open and flowing between the two of you now, this 2013 Venus in Cancer phase may prove rewarding in ways you could only dream of as you begin to tend to what you have created through clarity of your thoughts and words.  There may be a couple of rough transits during this next few weeks (square to Uranus and opposition to Pluto), but they will only serve to make your connections stronger.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


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