Mars in Capricorn – Get It Done

Mars represents initiative and action and Capricorn represents ambition and goals.  So as Mars enters Capricorn this evening, Friday, November 16th at 6:37p PST, this combination helps assure that everything done toward the earnest achievement or accomplishment of a goal will have very good odds of making progress if not achieving the desired results.

That said, Mars in Capricorn will be sure to influence us in a way that gives us all a sense of purpose and urgency to get things done.

Procrastination has no chance against this influence.  In fact, you may find that your efforts to procrastinate or delay matters may prove to be more painful than actually doing whatever it is you are trying not to do.

When I say “trying not to do”, I don’t necessarily mean that you don’t want to do it.  It’s probably the exact opposite of that.  It’s likely something that you do really want to do or accomplish (or have wanted to do or accomplish for a really long time), yet you’ve continued to talk yourself out of getting it done again and again.

With Sun, Mercury Retrograde, Saturn (Capricorn’s ruling planet) and the North Node all in Scorpio as Mars enters Capricorn, there is no doubt that you’re being pushed to handle your business in certain life matters.  “Which matters?” you ask. Well, those would be whichever matters are represented by the house(s) Scorpio occupies in your individual astrology chart.

For example, in my personal chart, Capricorn sits across  my 4th and 5th houses.  So my goals to focus on and take action on will address matters of home and family (4th) and in my creative and recreational pursuits (5th).

Whatever choice(s) you find you need to make regarding your Capricorn-influenced matters will need to be decisive – passivity won’t serve you well at all at this time.  This is not a time to let things happen.  It is a time to make things happen.

That said, making things happen and getting things done isn’t about forcing your will onto others.  It is about personal responsibility and ownership for how your life is showing up, and you doing what you can or need to do in order to move a particular matter (or matters) forward.  It is about you taking the necessary actions to move yourself forward toward the accomplishment of your goals.  However, it is not about pushing, forcing, or otherwise manipulating others into taking responsibility for your successes or failures.  In this 2012 Mars in Capricorn cycle, it’s all about you doing whatever you need to do for you to move forward and upward. You must take the initiative in moving toward the fulfillment and manifestation of your dreams and goals.

Mars in Sagittarius was about taking actions to discover and bring forward the Truth of matters.  Mars in Capricorn is about taking the necessary actions to accomplish your goals in alignment rooted in the truths you discovered through your actions before now.

This energy will serve you well in this last few days of the 2012 Scorpio Sun cycle.  There is still plenty of darkness to explore.  Mars in Capricorn will give you a sense of direction as you continue to explore that darkness.  You’ll also have a better sense of what you are looking for, or how to use what you find to your advantage.

As we transition into the 2012 Sagittarius Sun cycle on November 21st, keep in mind – the Sun will move into Sagittarius, but Mercury, Saturn, the North Node, and Venus will remain in or move into Scorpio.  The darkness will still be there in abundance, but the Sagittarius Sun will begin bringing the truths you have been seeking to Light.

Yet there is also a chance that what comes out of the Scorpio darkness may present more of a hindrance or obstacle than a transformative solution.  The key in the face of these challenging truths is to remember what you want to accomplishRemember your goal. By keeping your eyes on the prize, you may be able to figure out how to use what seems like a detriment to your positive advantage.  And with your new-found advantage, you may find creative and powerful ways to “get it done”…whatever it may be for you.

Getting things done in this 2012 Mars in Capricorn cycle can help you mature and secure your future in alignment with your goals.  Make the most of this opportunity of Mars in Capricorn.  Mars will be in Capricorn until December 25th.

For more info about where Capricorn and Mars in Capricorn will be influencing your personal chart, feel free to contact me for your personal astrology chart interpretation.  Click here for more info.

Thank you again for reading and sharing.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,
